Introduction. Scandals as a non-event? ; Art as provocation? ; Freedom of art? ; What is scandal? ; A moral institution? -- Overtures. The morality of robbers (Schiller's Die Räuber) ; The battle of Hernani (Hugo's Hernani) -- Scanning the surface. The drama of schnaps and forceps (Hauptmann's Vor Sonnenaufgang) ; The drama of the savage god (Jarry's Ubu Roi) -- Sounding the depths. Femme de siècle (Wilde/Strauss's Salome) ; Spring massacre (Stravinsky's Le Sacre du printemps) -- Diagnosing the present. Dancing toward the abyss (Schnitzler's Reigen) ; Trouble in Mahogonny (Brecht/Weill's Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahogonny) -- Overcoming the past. Defrocking the deputy (Hochhuth's Der Stellvertreter) ; The wreck of the Medusa (Henze's Das Floss der Medusa).
Ziolkowski analyses how the outrage caused by controversial plays or productions reflects the moral standards of the time.--Résumé de l'éditeur.