Includes bibliographical references (pages 188-200) and index.
Introduction: "An Orchid in the Land of Technology" -- Live performance in a mediatized culture -- Teevee's playhouse Is it live, or ...? -- Against ontology -- Got live if you want it -- Tryin' to make it real: live performance, simulation, and the discourse of authenticity in rock culture -- Rock culture and the discourse of authenticity -- Seeing is believing -- I want my MTV -- Panic Clapton -- Legally live: law, performance, memory -- Teevee's courthouse, or the resistible rise of the videotape trial -- You don't own me: performance and copyright -- The Gollum Problem -- Law and remembrance -- Conclusion.
In 'Liveness', Philip Auslander addresses what may be the single most important question facing all kinds of performance today: What is the status of live performance in a culture dominated by mass media?