Section 1. Setting the Scene -- Chapter 1. Radio frequency identification history and development / Chin Boo Soon.
Section 2. Smart Identification -- Chapter 2. Wireless Indoor User Positioning and informing / John Garofalakis, Christos Mettouris -- Chapter 3. RFID for Identification of Stolen/Lost Items / John Ayoade, Judith Symonds -- Chapter 4. RFID Technology for Agri-food Traceability Management / Filippo Gandino, E.R. Sanchez, B. Montrucchio, M. Rebaudengo.
Section 3. Smart Health -- Chapter 5. Interpreting health and wellness information / Lena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt -- Chapter 6. RFID in Hospitals and Factors restricting Adoption / Bryan Houliston -- Chapter 7. RFID and assisted living for the elderly / Dave Parry, Judith Symonds -- Chapter 8. RFID in emergency management / Ashir Ahmed, Ly-Fie Sugianto.
Section 4. Smart Data & Convergence -- Chapter 9. Subsequence-Wise Approach for Online Tracking / Bin Shen, Yu-Jin Zhang -- Chapter 10. From Fixed to Mobile Convergence / John Ayoade -- Chapter 11. Handling RFID Data Using a Data-on-Tag Approach / Sarita Pais, Judith Symonds.
Section 5. Selected Readings -- Chapter 12. An Agent-Based Library Management System Using RFID Technology / Maryam Purvis, Toktam Ebadi, Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu -- Chapter 13. Semantic-Based Bluetooth-RFID Interaction for Advanced Resource Discovery in Pervasive Contexts / Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Francesco Maria Donini, Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Eufemia Tinelli -- Chapter 14. Facing the Challenges of RFID Data Management / Indranil Bose, Chun Wai Lam -- Chapter 15. A Mobile Computing Framework for Passive RFID Detection System in Health Care / Masoud Mohammadian, Ric Jentzsch -- Chapter 16. Intelligent Agents Framework for RFID Hospitals / Masoud Mohammadian, Ric Jentzsch -- Chapter 17. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology / David C. Wyld -- Compilation of References -- About the Contributors -- Index.
"This book reports on practical problems and underlying theory related to the use of primary RFID technologies"--Provided by publisher.
Safari Books Online
Auto-identification and ubiquitous computing applications.
Radio frequency identification systems-- Industrial applications.