Server-Side GPS and Assisted-GPS in JavaTM; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Terminology; 1.3 Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS); 1.4 GNSS Augmentations; 1.5 GPS from a High Level; 1.6 Assisted-GNSS from a High Level; 1.7 A-GNSS Protocols and Standards; 1.8 Why Is an Accurate Location Required?; 1.9 Location Market; 1.9.1 E9-1-1; 1.9.2 Location-Based Services; 1.9.3 Lawful Intercept Services; 1.10 Java and Software Design for A-GNSS Applications; 1.10.1 Coding in Java; 1.11 Organization of This Book; References
3.11 Decoding and Storing the Navigation Model3.11.1 Storing the Raw NAV Data; 3.11.2 Running the Classes to Store the Raw Data; 3.11.3 Other Sources of Raw NAV Data; 3.11.4 Decoding the NAV Data into Useful Information; 3.11.5 RINEX as a Data Source for the Navigation Message; 3.11.6 Implementation of Methods Using the NAV Model; 3.12 GPS Signal Acquisition; 3.13 Receiver Positioning; 3.13.1 Uncertainty and Confidence; 3.14 Factors Affecting Location Accuracy; 3.15 Geometry and Dilution of Precision; 3.16 Differential-GPS; 3.17 Software Projects; References
4.8 Assistance Data Type SizReferences; Chapter 5 Assisted-GPS Location Within a Network; 5.1 Location Architectures; 5.2 A-GPS Protocols and Messaging; 5.3 RRLP; 5.3.1 RRLP Procedures; 5.3.2 RRLP Messages; 5.3.3 RRLP Encoding and ASN. 1 Packed Encoding Rules; 5.3.4 RRLP Implementation; 5.3.5 Testing the RRLP Classes; 5.3.6 Communication Across Sockets with RRLP; 5.4 PCAP and RRC; 5.4.1 PCAP Procedures; 5.5 Software Projects; References; Chapter 6 Position Calculation; 6.1 Position Calculation and Handset-Assisted A-GPS; 6.2 The Accuracy and Yield Trade-Off
Chapter 2 Coding for GNSS and the Coordinate Reference Frame2.1 Coordinate Reference Frame; 2.2 World Geodetic System 1984; 2.3 Source Code Structure and Management; 2.4 WGS 84 Implementation; 2.5 Unit Testing; 2.6 Debugging; 2.7 Performance Testing and Benchmarking; 2.8 Code Coverage Analysis; 2.9 Configuration Management; References; Chapter 3 GPS; 3.1 GPS Constellation and Segments; 3.2 GPS Services; 3.3 Satellites; 3.4 Ranging Codes; 3.5 PRN Codes; 3.6 GPS C/A Code; 3.7 GPS L1 Signal; 3.8 GPS L2 Signal; 3.9 GPS Time; 3.10 Broadcast Information Navigation Message Structure (NAV)
Chapter 4 Assisted-GPS and Assistance Data4.1 The Assistance Model; 4.2 GNSS Reference Server (GRS); 4.2.1 GPS Reference Receiver Configuration for a GPS; 4.2.2 GRS Interface; 4.2.3 Open Source GNSS Reference Server (OSGRS); 4.3 Location Server (LS); 4.4 Location-Based Application (LBA); 4.5 Emergency Services Messaging Entity; 4.6 The Handset; 4.7 Assistance Data Types; 4.7.1 Reference Time; 4.7.2 Reference Location; 4.7.3 Navigation Model; 4.7.4 Ionosphere Model; 4.7.5 UTC Model; 4.7.6 Acquisition Assistance; 4.7.7 Real-Time Integrity; 4.7.8 Almanac; 4.7.9 DGPS Corrections
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) is a technology that greatly enhances GPS performance and capabilities. This innovative book offers you a detailed explanation of the way that an A-GPS server operates from a practical point of view. You learn how A-GPS improves critical aspects of GPS, such as time-to-first-fix (TTFF) and yield. The book focuses on handset-assisted A-GPS, where the server can make use of additional information and perform more effective hybrid calculations. You gain insight into factors affecting accuracy and how these errors can be minimized using A-GPS. Moreover, this unique resource includes example code in Java for all key functions, along with sequence diagrams in UML that help ensure a solid understanding of the material. CD-ROM Included! Contains valuable Java source code and example applications that illustrate key points throughout the text. Complete class and sequence diagrams are also provided where applicable.
Title purchased JISC ebook pilot project
Server-side GPS and assisted-GPS in Java.
Global Positioning System-- Computer networks.
Java (Computer program language)
Java (Computer program language)
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems.