""Contents""; ""Introduction""; ""SECTION ONE: EDI""; ""PART I: EDI BASICS""; ""Chapter 1 Introduction to the EDI Process""; ""Chapter 2 Introduction to SAP EDI Architecture""; ""PART II: THE SAP EDI INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 3 The Outbound EDI Process""; ""Chapter 4 The Inbound EDI Process""; ""Chapter 5 The EDI Subsystem""; ""PART III: CONFIGURING THE EDI INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 6 Configuring Basic EDI Components""; ""Chapter 7 Configuring Partner Profiles""; ""Chapter 8 Configuring Message Control""; ""Chapter 9 Configuring Workflow""; ""PART IV: OPERATING AND ADMINISTERING THE EDI INTERFACE""
""Chapter 10 Testing the EDI Interface""""Chapter 11 Monitoring the Interface""; ""Chapter 12 EDI Process Troubleshooting and Recovery""; ""Chapter 13 Managing EDI Process Performance and Throughput""; ""PART V: EDI SCENARIOS""; ""Chapter 14 Outbound with Message Control: Purchase Orders""; ""Chapter 15 Outbound without Message Control""; ""Chapter 16 Inbound with Function Module: Sales Orders""; ""Chapter 17 Inbound via Workflow: Sales Order Changes""; ""SECTION TWO: ALE""; ""PART VI: ALE BASICS""; ""Chapter 18 Introduction to Distributed Systems""
""Chapter 19 Introduction to ALE Technology""""PART VII: THE SAP ALE INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 20 The Outbound ALE Process""; ""Chapter 21 The Inbound ALE Process""; ""PART VIII: CONFIGURING THE ALE INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 22 Configuring the ALE Infrastructure""; ""Chapter 23 Distributing Master Data""; ""Chapter 24 Implementing Distributed Business Processes""; ""Chapter 25 SAP to Non-SAP Communication""; ""PART IX: OPERATING AND ADMINISTERING THE ALE INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 26 Testing the ALE Interface""; ""Chapter 27 ALE Process Troubleshooting and Recovery""
""Chapter 28 Managing ALE Process Performance and Throughput""""SECTION THREE: IDOCS""; ""PART X: IDOC BASICS""; ""Chapter 29 IDocs from the Outside""; ""Chapter 30 IDocs on the Inside""; ""PART XI: CUSTOMER MODIFICATIONS TO THE IDOC INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 31 Extending and Developing an IDoc Type""; ""Chapter 32 Programming in the IDoc Interface""; ""Chapter 33 Customizing the Interface for New or Extended IDocs""; ""PART XII: ARCHIVING IN THE IDOC INTERFACE""; ""Chapter 34 Archiving IDocs and Deleting Work Items""; ""Appendix A: FAQs, User Exits, and Miscellaneous Resources""; ""Index""