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قائمة المکتبات
The looniest limerick book in the world /
پدید آورنده
by Joseph Rosenbloom ; illustrations by Sanford Hoffman.
Limericks, Juvenile.,Limericks.,Limericks, Juvenile.
کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی
محل استقرار
ـ شهر:
تماس با کتابخانه :
The looniest limerick book in the world /
by Joseph Rosenbloom ; illustrations by Sanford Hoffman.
New York :
128 pages :
illustrations ;
22 cm
Includes index.
1. Now you know. 2. How absurd. 3. Sad stories. 4. Chuckles and snickers. 5. Moans and groans. 6. Famous limericks. 7. Oldies but goodies. 8. Help! 9. Strange and peculiar. 10. Crazy? Maybe ... 11. You asked for it. 12. The world's worst limericks. Actress, 34. Adam and Eve, 9. Angler, 117. Angora, 29. Ant, 75. Apples, 110. Artist, 113. Atchison, 9. Atlas, 48. Audience, 34. Baboon, 74,103. Baby, 13,89. Bacon, 123. Baghdad, 81. Ballet, 44. Balloon, hot-air, 33. Banana, 46,106. Bangor, 32. Barber, 39. Barry, Sheila Anne, 30, 45, 114. Bath, 37, 86, 89. Bats, 118. Bay, 91. Bear, 62, 121. Beard, 77. Beaus, 22, 79. Beauty, 57. Bee, 81. Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, 71. Bellamy, William, 70. Bengal, 61. Bianca, 41. Bigamy, 59. Bike, 35. Bill, 24. Bing, 93. Birds, 57, 92. Blake, 38. Block, 30. Blueberry pie, 90. Boa constrictor, 82. Bomb, 83. Bones, grilled, 82. Bong, 103. Bonnet, 94. Boot and Boots, 6, 62, 94. Boston, 101. Bourchier, B.G., 74. Bow-legged fellow, 84. Bowski, 21. Brain, 69, 109. Brass, 41. Bray, 42; Countess of, 100. Bread, 34. Brest, 62. Bride, 1 10; groom, 124. Broadway, 44. Brooking, 98. Brookline, 110. Brother, 86. Bruno,108. Bryn Mawr, 34. Bull, 24, 86; dog, 26;. fight, 28. Burgess, Gelett, 57, 61, 63. Burr, 15. Butcher, 35. Butte, 120. Cadiz, 69. Caesar, 26. Canner, 42. Cape May, 91. Caribbean, 120. Carriage, 124. Carroll, Lewis, 65. Cass, 41. Cat, 19, 20, 26, 29, 100. Ceiling, 90. Cellist, 10. Cheese, 53. Chesapeake Bay, 44 Chess, 74. Chest, 62. Chewing gum, 96. Chiggers, 120. Chimp, 113. Chin, 72, 73. China, 119. Chinese pagoda, 15. Choir, 30, 81, 116. Church, 81, 124,. Cider, 110. Cigars, 109. Claridge, 124. Clergyman, 39. Clewer, 35, 73. Clink, 7, 113. Clothes, 29, 61. Clyde, 50, 86; Port, 21. Cold in head, 43, 94. Collar, 60. College, 10. Comb, 19. Composer, 103. Conversation, 55. Cooking, 98. Copies, 113. Cork, 49, 73. Cosham, 6. Cough, 100, 123. Cow, 12, 114, 115. Crab, 89. Creek, 37. Crewe, 96. Crocodile, 11, 108. Crosswords, 30. Crow, 24. Curds, 53. Darren, 36. Davies, Randall, 74. Degrees, 10. Dentist, 50, 51. Diana, 79. Disease, 95. Dixey, H.G., 54. Doctors, 51, 81, 123; see MD's. Dodge, Mary Mapes, 69. Door, 63, 123. Doyle, 10. Drawer, 89. Dressed funnily, 62. Dresser, 24. Duchess, 78. Duck, 90. Ducklings, 58. Duluth, 50. Dumbree, 68. Duty, 115. Dwight, 88. Ears, 61. Eating, 61. Eclipse, 87. Ecuador, 26. Eden, 9. Eggs, 13, 71. Elephant, 47. Embarrassment, 86. Emu, 17. Engine, 96. Ermine, 99. Euwer, Anthony, 5, 57, 58, 69, 73. Expense, 94. Face, 5, 57. Fanny, Aunt, 12. Farmer, 114. Father, 124. Ferns Wheel, 81. Fife, 74. Figure, 38. Fingers, 61. Fink, Theodore, 113. Fire, 80. Fish, 20. Fisher, 104. Fisherman, 89. Fits, 55. Fleas, 120. Flies, 15, 70, 90. Flint, 42. Flo, 102. Flood, 79. Floor, 63. Florence, 51. Florida, 119. Floss, Dental, 51. Flowers, 42. Flute, 67. Fly, 90, 106; see Flies. France, 58. Freezer, 10. Funeral, 23. Fur thing, 117. Gage, 53. Gail, 26. Garlic, 15. Gas, 62. Giraffe, 17. Glasgow, 12. Gloves,62. Glutton, 123. Goat, 53. God, 112. "God Save the Weasel," 41. Golf ball, 46. Gong, 103. Gorilla, 54. Gorse, 123. Granny,42. Grasshopper, 23, 75. Great Britain, 33. Greece, 15. Gretel, 49. Gustave, 113. Habits, 61. Hair, 52, 61, 109. Hairs, 106. Ham, 123. Harem, 36. Harp, 72. Harris, 86; Mrs, Charles, 55. "Harum-scarum," 36. Hat, 19, 62, 103. Havana, 46. Hearse, 94. Heaven, 14,117. Hen, 8, 71, 77. Herford, Oliver, 64, 75, 76. Herm, 107. Hiccups, 37. Hippo, 44. Hod, 65. Honiton, 94. Horace, 81. Housewife, 93. Hymns, 92. Ice, 100. Ice cream, 37, 82. Jello, 10. Jet, 32. Jo,85. Jones, Erasmus Emanuel, 82. Judgment, good, 49. Judy,115. June,108. Kalamazoo, 9, 13, 70. Kangaroo, 94. Katy, 50. Kent, 96. Kerosene, 130. Kettle, 49. Keyes, Miss, 10. Key West, 120. Khartoum, 74. Kilkenny, 29. Kipling, Rudyard, 66. Kissing, 19, 27, 46, 123. Kitten, 15. Knowledge, 24. Kodak, 121. Krupp, 119. Lahorer, 55. Lake, 38; Louise, 120. Language, bad, 33. Larks, 77. Lear, Edward, 57, 58, 62, 70, 72, 74, 77. Lee, 23. Lew, William John, 52. Life, 69, 74. Limburger cheese, 15. Limericks, 5. Link, 7. Lion, 105. Lister, 86. Loch Ness monster, 25. Longshoreman, 13. Love, 45, 108. Lucille, 109. Lyme, 59. Lynn, 93. McGowan, Mary, 19. Madrid, 13, 28. Maidens, 38. Malacca, 56. Manila, 37. Maria, 116. Marmalade, 53. Marriage, 29, 38, 124. Mars, 83. Math, 99. Maude, 13. May, 85; Miss, 109. Mayfair, 89. McCarty, Arty, 97. McGee, Hyacinthe Gladys, 110. McGowan, Mary, 19. MD's, 10, 95. Menagerie, 54. Mermaid, 91. Mettle, 49. Mice, 68; see Mouse. Michigan, 82. Millicent, 113. Millie, 38. Min, 100. Minnesota, 15. Mobile, 81. Mollie, 38. Monday, 115. Monk, 111. Monkhouse, Cosmo, 59, 62, 73. Montana, 79. Moon, 69, 87. Moppsikon Floppsikon bear, 62. Mortar, 65. Moss, Archibald, 51. Mouse, 36, 48; see Mice. Mouth, 61. Movies, 119. Muscles, 58. Names, 109. Neck, 60; tie, 58. Neighbors, 32, 49. New Guinea, 49. Newspaper: dress, 80; reader, 53. New York, 73. Niger, 31. Nile, 11, 108. Ninny, 49. No. Dak., 121. Nome, 100. Nose, 27, 57, 61, 62, 70. Oak, 86. Ocean, 122. O'Finner, Lucy, 65. Onions, 15. Opera star, 116. Oporta, 65. Ostrich, 114. Owls, 68, 77. Oyster, 9, 70. Padding, 38, 85. Page, next, 53. Painter, 33. Pants, 41; see Trousers. Papua, 24. Park bench, 33. Parke, Walter, 56, 61. Party, 40, 97. Peeping, 57. Pelican, 24. Perfume, 113. Peter, St., 14. Pets, 7, 118. Pharaoh, 58. Phineas Fly, 106. Phipps, 30. Physique, 37, 48. Piano, 79. Picnic, 90. Pies, 90, 98. Pig, 123; sty, 106. Pitman, J.H., 60. Plantations, 118. Plaster of Paris, 86. Plesiosaurus, 96. Plumber, 37. Pneumonia, 100. Police, 64. Politeness, 34. Pony, 123. "Pop Goes the King," 41. Pork, 49. Powder, 86. Prima Donna, 20. Princess, 61. Professor, 111; college, 24. Pruitt, Elliot, 45. Puma, 101. Pun, 124. Puppy,76. Puzzler, 30. Quarrel, 100. Quebec, 60, 66. Queen, 91. Raccoon, 69. Reading, 8, 20. Reed, Langford, 62, 73. Revere, 122. Rex, 33. Rhine, 20. Rhoda, 114. Rice, Barbara, 115. Ridgewell, Elsie, 58. Robbed, 22. Room, 63. Rooster, 6. Ross; Ben, 30; Miss, 51. Ruth, 50, 99. Rye, 90. Safety, 41. Sailor, 7, 120. Salesman, 30. Sam, 123. Samson, 39. Sarcophagus, 58. Savannah, 106. Sea, 23. Sewer, 86. Sheerness, 74. Ship, 41, 122. Shock, 30,58. Shoelaces, 50. Shoreham, 34. Sid, 13. Sincerity, 96. Singer, 79. Singing, 30, 41, 93, 116. Sister, 65, 86, 123. Skates, 124. Skating, 100. Skunk, 7. Skye, 38. Snail, 64. Snake, 82; in the grass, 41. Snoring, 29, 47. Snow, 22, 66. Socks, 58; clean, 49. Soda, 114. So. Dak., 121. Soldier, 83. Son, 124. Song, popular, 103. Sonnet, 94. Spaceman, 88. Spain, 37, 105. Squint, 42. Stairs, 93. Stargazer, 87. Stars, shooting, 87. Steak, 38. Stella, 84. St. Kitts, 87. St. Loe Strachey, J., 69. St. Paul, 80. St. Peter, 14. Strachey, J. St. Loe. 69. Student, 24. Suit, purple, 120. Sultan, 36. Sun, 6. Sunday, 115. Supper, 23. Swimming, 23. Tack, 110. Tact, 49. Taft, ex-pres, 46. Tarentum, 18. Tea, 68, 78. Teacher,109. Teck, Duchess of, 60. Teeth, false, 6, 18, 85. Tenor, 81, 93. Ten-penny nails, 103. Thief, 43. Thrace, 27. Tibet, 19. Tiger, 31, 56. Tinfoil, 10. Tobacco, 56. Toes, 61, 62. Torn, 83. Tooth, 50. Topping, 85. Tortoise, 64. Tourist, 28. Trousers, 9; paper. 34 see Pants. Troy, 70. Truck, 85. Trumpet, 70. Truth, 99. Tut-Ankh-Amen, 58. Tutor, 49, 67. Twickenham, 6. Uncle, 75. Vampire, 118. Vanilla, 37. Vermin, 99. Verse, 119 Vicar, 42. Vista, 46. Wales, 62, 103. Walking, 63. Walks, 89. Ware, 62. Washing, 60. Waterloo, 106. Wedding, 8, 20. Wells, Carolyn, 67. West, 108; Dumpet, 70. Wheeling, 90. Widow, 30, 50. Widower, 10. Willie, 38, 113. Winnie-the-Pooh, 52. Wives, 59. Worm, 107, 117. Worthing, 117. Wren, 77. Wright, 103. Writing, 103. Yacht, 26. Yale, 111. Yuma, 101. Zoo, 16, 114; keeper, 38.
A collection of some of the looniest, best, worst, oldest, newest, and silliest limericks.
Limericks, Juvenile.
Limericks, Juvenile.
Rosenbloom, Joseph.
Hoffman, Sanford
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