Osteobiology of aging -- Pathologic fractures -- Falls -- Preoperative assessment of risk -- Anticoagulation -- Prevention and management of perioperative delirium -- Anesthesia and postoperative pain control -- Postoperative complications -- Hand and wrist fractures in the elderly -- Fractures of the shoulder and elbow -- Vertebral compression fractures -- Hip fractures -- Fractures of the distal femur -- Tibial plateau fractures in the elderly -- Rehabilitation -- Evaluation of bone fragility and fracture prevention.
"Fractures in the Elderly: A Guide to Practical Management" provides geriatricians and other medical specialists who provide care for older adults with the vital guidance and most current data and opinions regarding the treatment of elderly patients who sustain a variety of fractures. It also provides orthopedic surgeons with the necessary information and most current data and opinions regarding assessment and management of geriatric conditions that predispose the elderly to fracture, perioperative complications and subsequent functional decline. Each chapter is both readable and app.