Cover; Table of Contents; Preface to the Special Issue; Chemical Warfare and Chemical Terrorism: Psychological and Performance Outcomes; Acknowledgments; References; Performance Impacts of Nerve Agents and Their PharmacologicalCountermeasures; Nerve Agents: An Overview; Treatment of Nerve Agent Exposure; Nerve Agent Effects; Eye; Nose; Gastrointestinal System; Pulmonary System; Skeletal Muscle; Central Nervous System and Behavior; Electroencephalogram; Long-Term Neurobehavioral Effects of Nerve Agent Exposure; Effects of Medical Countermeasures; Atropine; 2-PAM CI; Diazepam
AcknowledgmentsReferences; Vesicant Agents and Antivesicant Medical Countermeasures:Clinical Toxicology and Psychological Implications; Toxicity of Mustard; Clinical Manifestations; Cutaneous Injury; Ocular Injury; Respiratory Tract Injury; Systemic Toxicity and Chronic Effects; Psychological Aspects of Mustard Exposure; Development of Medical Countermeasures; Means to Reduce Psychological Stress; Acknowledgments; References; Neurotoxicological and Behavioral Effects of Cyanide and ItsPotential Therapies; Sources of Cyanide in our Environment; The Basis of Cyanide Intoxication
Clinical Symptoms of Cyanide IntoxicationPrognosis; Interactions of Cyanide With Carbon Monoxide and Other Ligands; Cyanide and Behavior; Dietary Cyanide Exposure; Experimental Models; Learning; Sensory Responses; Neurologic Effects; Psychological Reactivity; Anticyanide Methemoglobin Formers and Behavior; Experimental Models; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References
Pyridostigmine BromideConclusions; Acknowledgments; References; Nerve Agent Bioscavengers: Protection With Reduced Behavioral Effects; Current Therapy for Nerve Agent Exposure; Nerve Agent Bioscavengers: An Alternative to Conventional Approaches; Stoichiometrlc Scavengers and the Protection they Offer; Antibodies; Enzymes; Catalytic Bioscavengers; Behavioral Effects; Behavioral Effects of Scavengers Alone; Behavioral Effects of Scavenger and Nerve Agent Exposure; Comparison of the Behavioral Effects of Scavengers Versus Conventional Therapy After Nerve Agent Exposure; Discussion
This special issue of Military Psychology reports behavioral, pharmacological, and toxicological science research on military performance as it is affected by chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and their pharmacological countermeasures. The papers in this issue are a diverse assembly; some very pharmacological in orientation, others driven by behavioral neuroscience. The unifying theme is the psychological consequences or organic syndromes that may be confused with consequences resulting from exposure to CWAs or use of their medical countermeasures.
Chemical warfare and chemical terrorism : psychological and performance outcomes.