Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. General Injury Prevention; 2. Burns and Scalds; 3. Child Abuse and Firearms; 4. Choking and Asphyxiation; 5. Drowning; 6. Falls; 7. Infectious Diseases and Foodborne Illness; 8. Motor Vehicle, Pedestrian, and Riding Toys Accidents; 9. Poisoning, Chemical Burns, Bites, and Allergic Reactions; Author Index; Subject Index.
Unintentional injuries, including car crashes, drowning, burns, poisoning, and suffocation, are a leading cause of death to young children. Child abuse, infectious diseases, and food poisoning also affect children under five. This bibliography provides information useful to those who care for young children, who are doing research on how to prevent injuries, or who supervise or train people who care for children either in child care or home settings. The volume is organized by types of injuries, and each section includes references providing information about prevalence, risk factors, specific.