Abridgement of: Pathophysiology / Carol Mattson Porth. 7th ed. c2005.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction to pathophysiology -- UNIT I: CELL AND TISSUE FUNCTION: Cell structure and function -- Cellular responses to stress, injury, and aging -- Genetic control of cell function and inheritance -- Genetic and congenital disorders -- Neoplasia: a disorder of cell proliferation and differentiation -- UNIT II: INTEGRATIVE BODY FUNCTIONS: Disorders of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance -- Stress and adaption -- Alterations in body nutrition -- UNIT III: HERMATOPOIETIC FUNCTION: Disorders of white blood cells and lymphoid tissues -- Alterations in hemostasis -- The red blood celland alterations in oxygen transport -- UNIT IV: INFECTION, INFLAMMATION, AND IMMUNITY: Mechanisms of infectious disease -- The immune response -- Inflammation, tissue repair, and fever -- Alterations in the immune response -- UNIT V: CIRCULATORY FUNCTION: Control of the circulatory function -- Disorders of blood flow and blood pressure -- Disorders of cardiac function -- Heart failure and circulatory shock -- UNIT VI: RESPIRATORY FUNCTION: Control of respiratory function -- Respiratory tract infections, neoplasia, and childhood disorders -- Disorders of ventilation and gas exchange -- UNIT VII: KIDNEY AND URINARY TRACT FUNCTION: Control of kidney function -- Disorders of renal function -- Renal failure -- Disorders of urine elimination -- UNIT VIII: GASTROINTESTINAL AND HEPATOBILIARY FUNCTION: Structure and fuction of the gastrointestinal system -- Disorders of gastrointestinal function -- Disorders of the hepatobiliary and exocrine pancreas function -- UNIT IX: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Organization and control of the endocrine system -- Disorders of the endocrine system -- Diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome -- UNIT X: NERVOUS SYSTEM: Organization and control of neural function -- Disorders of somatosensory function and pain -- Disorders of neuromuscular function -- Disorders of brain function -- Disorders of special sensory function: vision, hearing, and vestibular function -- UNIT XI: GENITOURINARY AND REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION: Disorders of the male genitourinary system -- Disorders of the female genitourinary system -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- UNIT XII: MUSCULOSKELETAL FUNCTION: Structure and function of the skeletal system -- Disorders of the skeletal system: trauma, infection, and childhood disorders -- Disorders of the skeletal system: metabolic and rheumatic disorders -- UNIT XIII: INTEGUMENTARY FUNCTION: Structure and function of the skin -- Disorders of the skin -- Glossary -- Appendix A: Laboratory values.