Designing digital futures -- The case for engagement -- Citizen engagement in practice -- Giving a voice to the 'hard to hear' -- Modelling citizen engagement -- Citizen engagement in ICT design : the challenge -- Strategies for citizen engagement (i) : shifting the focus of ICT design practice -- Strategies for citizen engagement (ii) : tools and techniques -- Achieving a culture of participation and engagement.
In digital revolution we often seem trapped in a Kafkaesque world of technological advances, some desired, some disliked or even feared, which we cannot influence but must accept. This book discusses the need to redress this situation. It argues that technologies succeed or fail according to their relevance and value to people.
Informing digital futures.
Information society.
Information technology-- Planning.
System design-- Citizen participation.
Telecommunication-- Planning.
Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication-- Aspect social.
Société informatisée-- Participation des citoyens.
Systèmes, Conception de-- Participation des citoyens.