Editors: Josef Settele, Lyubomir Penev, Teodor Georgiev, Ralf Grabaum, Vesna Grobelnik, Volker Hammen, Stefan Klotz, Mladen Kotarac, Ingolf Kuhn.
Biodiversity baseline information. The availability and usage of high quality, cross-scale baseline information for risk assessment / Ingolf Kuhn, Lyubomir Penev & Josef Settele ; European plant diversity in the global context / Jens Mutke [and others] ; A Pan-European species directories infrastructure (PESI) / Yde De Jong [and others] ; Assessment of ecosystem services / Paula A. Harrison [and others] ; The ALARM scenarios : storylines and simulations for assessing biodiversity risks in Europe / Joachim H. Spangenberg / [and others] ; Drivers, pressures, impacts : DPSIR for biodiversity / Laura Maxim, Joachim H. Spangenberg & Martin O'Connor ; European biodiversity and its drivers : an "inter-national" analysis / Jaan Liira, Josef Settele & Martin Zobel ; A vision of the availability of high quality, cross-scale baseline biodiversity information / Ingolf Kuhn, Lyubomir Penev & Josef Settele -- Research approaches into the interactions between impact factors and biodiversity. Research approaches into the interactions between impact factors and biodiversity / Stefan Klotz & Mark Frenzel ; "Exploratories" for functional biodiversity research / Simone Pfeiffer [and others] ; Biodiversity experiments : what have we learnt about biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships? / Alexander J.F. Fergus & Bernhard Schmid ; Observing biodiversity changes in Europe / Klaus Henle [and others] ; Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods : the ALARM project / Josef Settele [and others] ; The ALARM field site network, FSN / Volker Hammen [and others] ; The ALARM field site network : a continental-scale test bed for questions related to major drivers of biodiversity change / Jacobus C. Biesmeijer [and others] ; Socio-economic research within a field site network established by ecologists : pragmatic approaches to create added value / Joachim H. Spangenberg [and others] ; Assemblages of social wasps in forests and open land across Europe : an ALARM-FSN study / Libor Dvorak [and others] ; From FSN to LTER-Europe / Michael Mirtl [and others] ; Assessing risks for biodiversity with bioclimatic envelope modelling / Oliver Schweiger [and others] ; Statistical aspects of biodiversity risk assessment / Glenn Marion [and others] ; Structuring future biodiversity research and its community : the role of infrastructures / Wouter Los.
Climate change impacts on biodiversity. Climate change, species and ecosystems / Martin T. Sykes & Thomas Hickler ; Current climatic conditions and observed trends in Europe / Kirsti Jylha, Timothy R. Carter & Stefan Fronzek ; Scenarios of climate change for Europe / Stefan Fronzek, Timothy R. Carter & Kirsti Jylha ; Forest fire risk in Spain under future climate change / Jose M. Moreno [and others] ; Observed climate-biodiversity relationships / Gian-Reto Walther [and others] ; Projected climate change impacts on biodiversity in Mediterranean ecosystems / Josef Penuelas [and others] ; Climate change impacts on the future extent of the alpine climate zone / Laszlo Nagy [and others] ; Risk of disappearing sub-Arctic palsa mires in Europe / Margareta Johansson [and others] ; Climate impacts on high latitude lakes / Mats Jansson [and others] ; The big trek northwards : recent changes in the European dragonfly fauna / Jurgen Ott ; Effects of climatic changes on Odonata : are the impacts likely to be the same in the northern and southern hemispheres? / Jurgen Ott & Michael J. Samways ; Modelling the range expansion with global warming of an urticating moth : a case study from France / Christelle Robinet [and others] ; Moorland wildfires in the UK peak district / Sarah Lindley, Julia McMorrow & Aletta Bonn ; South America : climate monitoring and adaptaion integrated across regions and disciplines / Stephan Halloy [and others] ; Climate change, ecosystem services and biodiversity : risks and opportunities / Karin Zaunberger & Martin Sykes -- Land use changes and their impacts. Land use, its change and effects on biodiversity / Riccardo Bommarco ; Land use change scenarios for Europe / Isabelle Reginster [and others] ; Evaluating land use changes in and around Natura 2000 sites : a proposed methodology / Ioannis N. Vogiatzakis [and others] ; Life history traits in insects and habitat fragmentation / Riccardo Bommarco ; Where have all the flowers gone? Fron natural vegetation to land use -- land cover types : past changes and future forecasts / Laszlo Nagy [and others] ; Future land use related challenges for biodiversity research and conservation / Riccardo Bommarco.
Decline of pollinators and its impact. Pollination : a key service regulating ecosystems. Thomas Tscheulin, Theodora Petanidou & Simon G. Potts ; Methods for quantifying pollinator loss / Catrin Westphal [and others] ; Cavity-nesting Hymenoptera across Europe : a study in ALARM project field site network sites using small trap-nests on trees and buildings / Eduardas Budrys [and others] ; Assessing the impact of pollinator shifts on wild plants / Anders Nielsen [and others] ; Drivers of pollinator loss : a case study from Germany / Birgit Meyer & Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter ; Domesticated bumblebees / Hajnalka Szentgyorgyi [and others] ; A geometric morphometric tool for the conservation of the black honeybee in Europe / Agnes Rortais [and others] ; A new enemy of honeybees in Europe : the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina / Agnes Rortais [and others] ; Beekeeping and the conservation of native honeybees in Europe / Rodolfo Jaffe & Robin F.A. Moritz ; Severe declines of managed honeybees in central Europe / Simon G. Potts [and others] ; The future of pollinators? / Simon G. Potts, Theodora Petanidou & Thomas Tscheulin -- Socio-economics and its role in biodiversity loss. Mankind as the driver behind global change and socio-economics as a research discipline to find solutions? / Joachim H. Spangenberg, Joan Martinez-Alier & Martin O'Connor ; Monetary valuation of the pollination service provided to European agriculture by insects / Nicola Gallai [and others] ; Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and biodiversity / Pam Berry & James Paterson ; Socio-economic modelling of the ALARM scenarios, results for Europe / Ines Omann, Andrea Stocker & Jill Jager ; Chronicle of a bioinvasion foretold : distribution and management of the Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion in Spain / Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos [and others] ; "The farmer's terror" : glyphosate resistant Johnsongrass in Argentina / Iliana Monterroso, Rosa Binimelis & Walter Pengue ; Future contributions of socio-economic research to the conservation of biodiversity / Joachim H. Spangenberg [and others].
Environmental chemicals and biodiversity. Assessing the impacts of environmental chemicals on biodiversity and ecosystems / Marco Vighi & David Spurgeon ; MODELKEY : European rivers under toxic stress / Werner Brack [and others] ; Sources and fate of PAHs in an urban environment / Ian T. Cousins [and others] ; Nitrogen deposition : a major risk for biodiversity / Franz W. Badeck & Till Sterzel ; Is atmospheric nitrogen deposition a cause for concern in alpine ecosystems? / Laszlo Nagy [and others] ; Predicted environmental concentrations of organic pollutants on a European scale as a basis for risk assessment / Sandra Meijer, Alex Paul & Andy Sweetman ; Exotoxicological risk assessment of pesticides considering different geographical scales and evolution through time / Serenella Sala & Marco Vighi ; Chemical effect assessment within ALARM : identifying habitats in which microbial function may be impacted by metal pollution / David Spurgeon [and others] ; Risk for chemicals on biodiversity : which future is to be expected? / Marco Vighi & David Spurgeon -- Biological invasions. Are the aliens taking over? Invasive species and their increasing impact on biodiversity / Philip E. Hulme [and others] ; DAISIE : Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe / Philip E. Hulme [and others] ; Biological popllution of aquatic ecosystems in Europe / Sergej Olenin [and others] ; Pathways of aquatic invasions in Europe / Sergej Olenin [and others] ; Risk assessment of aquatic invasive species introductions via European inland waterways / Vadim E. Panov [and others] ; Distribution of alien bleak Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the northeastern Iberian Mediterranean watersheds : past and present / Alberto Maceda-Veiga [and others] ; Mapping invasion by alien plants in Europe / Petr Pysek [and others] ; European plants in southern South America : unwanted visitors? / Eduardo Ugarte, Nicol Fuentes & Stefan Klotz ; The hogweed story : invasion of Europe by large Heracleum species / Petr Pysek ; Terrestrial alien vertebrates in Europe / Wojciech Solarz [and others] ; The ALARM field site network, an outstanding tool for the survey of invasive insects infesting seeds of wild roses in Europe / Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg [and others] ; The rapid colonization of the introduced black locust tree by an invasive North-American mdige and its parasitoid / Milka Glavendekic, Alain Roques & Ljubodrag Mihajlovic ; A stowaway species from the Balkans : the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella / Sylvie Augustin [and others] ; Invasion of the Harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in Europe : when beauty becomes the beast / Marc Kenis [and others] ; The Siberian moth, Dendrolimus sibircus : a potential invader in Europe? / Yuri Baranchikov [and others] ; How to deal with invasive species? A proposal for Europe / Philip E. Hulme [and others].
The combined effects of major drivers and pressures on biodiversity. Designing projects for integrated research : the ALARM experience / Josef Settele [and others] ; Mapping plant-invader integration into plant-pollinator networks / Monserrat Vila [and others] ; Palms (and other evergreen broad-leaved species) conquer the north / Gian-Reto Walther & Silje Berger ; Modelling the potential expansion as a result of global warming of the invasive pinewood nematode in China / Lilin Zhao [and others] ; Will interacting species still co-occur n the future? / Oliver Schweiger [and others] ; How to evaluate effects of pesticides in terrestrial ecosystems / Stefania Barmaz [and others] ; Do declines in the use of the organotin (TBT), used as an antifoulant, result in an increase in aquatic alien species establishment? / Dan Minchin ; The effect of heavy metal pollution on the development of wild bees / Dawid Moron [and others] ; Agricultural land use shapes biodiversity patterns in ponds / Tom De Bie [and others] ; Mapping relative risk to biodiversity from the application of pesticides, focussing on pollinators / Peter Borgen Sorensen [and others] ; Integration in large-scale research on the art and science of coordination -- The future of biodiversity and biodiversity research. Aspects of the future of biodiversity and biodiversity research / Martin T. Sykes, Thomas Hickler & Josef Settele ; Priority setting for nature conservation / Katrin Vohland [and others] ; Vegetation on the move : where do conservation strategies have to be redefined? / Thomas Hickler [and others] ; Ecological networks as one answer to climate change / Katrin Vohland, Stefan Klotz & Sandra Balzer ; Establishing a volunteer-based butterfly monitoring scheme : the German experience / Elisabeth Kuhn ; Managing alien aquatic species / Dan Minchin ; Biological control ecosystem services in tropical rice / Kong Luen Heong [and others] ; Policy options to protect biodiversity under climate change / Jake Piper & Elizabeth Wilson ; Biodiversity risk assessment for Europe : putting it all together / Glenn Marion [and others] ; Future biodiversity research : targets, the human factor and lessons learned / Josef Settele [and others].
The Atlas of Biodiversity Risk describes and summarises in a comprehensive, easy-to-read and richly illustrated form the major pressures, impacts and risks of biodiversity loss at a global level. The main risks identified are caused by global climate and land use change, environmental pollution, loss of pollinators and biological invasions. The impacts and consequences of biodiversity loss are analyzed with a strong focus on socio-economic drivers and their effects on society. Three scenarios of potential futures are the baseline for predicting impacts and explore options for mitigating adverse effects at several spatio-temporal scales. Elements of these futures are modeled, tested and illustrated.