Cover; Half-title; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgements; A note on the text; CHAPTER 1 Introduction; CHAPTER 2 The fall of the Stage Irishman; CHAPTER 3 Storytelling: the Gaelic tradition; CHAPTER 4 Writers in quarantine? The case for Irish Studies; CHAPTER 5 Synge, Yeats and bardic poetry; CHAPTER 6 George Moore's Gaelic lawn party; CHAPTER 7 The flowering tree: modern poetry in Irish; CHAPTER 8 On national culture; CHAPTER 9 White skins, black masks: Celticism and Négritude; CHAPTER 10 From nationalism to liberation; CHAPTER 11 The war against the past.
Declan Kiberd here synthesises the themes that have occupied him throughout his career as a leading critic of Irish literature and culture. This book demonstrates afresh the extraordinary range, astuteness and wit that have made him a defining voice in Irish studies and beyond.
Irish writer and the world.
Authors, Irish-- History and criticism.
English literature-- Irish authors-- History and criticism.