Papers originally presented at a conference held February 1985 in Toronto.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Introduction : coronation studies : past, present, and future / J.M. Bak -- Hincmar of Reims on king-making : the evidence of the Annals of St. Bertin / J.L. Nelson -- Inaugural aspects of French royal ceremonials / R.E. Giesey -- A coronation program for the age of Saint Louis : the ordo of 1250 / J. Le Goff -- The manuscript of the ordo of 1250 and its illuminations / J.-C. Bonne -- Copies in context : the coronation of Charles V in his Grandes Chroniques de France / A.D. Hedeman -- The medieval entry ceremony at Paris / L.M. Bryant -- A note on Viking age inaugurations / E. Vestergaard -- Coronations and coronation ordines in medieval Scandinavia / E. Hoffmann -- Gesture in the coronation ceremonies of medieval Poland / A. Gieysztor -- The ordo for the coronation of Roger II of Sicily : an example of dating by internal evidence / R. Elze -- Papal coronations in Avignon / B. Schimmelpfennig.
The origins and descent of the fourth recension of the English coronation / A. Hughes -- "The wonderful spectacle" : the civic progress of Elizabeth I and the troublesome coronation / R.C. McCoy -- "Continuity" versus "change" : historians and English coronations of the medieval and early modern periods / D. Sturdy.