"The papers in this volume were selected for presentation at the 15th International Meshing Roundtable, held September 17-20, 2006 in Birmingham, Alabama, USA"--Preface.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
2D Meshing -- Non-Local Topological Clean-Up -- Quad-Dominant Mesh Adaptation Using Specialized Simplicial Optimization -- Mesh Modification Under Local Domain Changes -- The Cost of Compatible Refinement of Simplex Decomposition Trees -- Applications -- Patient-Specific Vascular NURBS Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis of Blood Flow -- Rapid Meshing of Turbomachinery Rows Using Semi-Unstructured Conformal Grids -- Hybrid Mesh Generation for Viscous Flow Simulation -- of Forming Processes in Three Dimensions A Remeshing Procedure for Numerical Simulation -- Mesh Adaptation -- A Solution-Based Adaptive Redistribution Method for Unstructured Meshes -- Analysis of Hessian Recovery Methods for Generating Adaptive Meshes -- Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Evolving Triangulated Surfaces -- Multi-Dimensional Continuous Metric for Mesh Adaptation -- How Efficient are Delaunay Refined Meshes? An Empirical Study -- Mesh Optimization -- Small Polyhedron Reconnection: A New Way to Eliminate Poorly-Shaped Tetrahedra -- Optimal Mesh for P 1 Interpolation in H 1 Seminorm -- Mesh Smoothing Based on Riemannian Metric Non-Conformity Minimization -- On Asymptotically Optimal Meshes by Coordinate Transformation -- Meshing Algorithms -- High Quality Bi-Linear Transfinite Meshing with Interior Point Constraints -- Implementation in ALBERTA of an Automatic Tetrahedral Mesh Generator -- Sparse Voronoi Refinement -- Geometry -- Volume and Feature Preservation in Surface Mesh Optimization -- for Surrogate Geometry On the Use of Loop Subdivision Surfaces -- Surface Mesh Generation for Dirty Geometries by Shrink Wrapping using Cartesian Grid Approach -- A Hole-Filling Algorithm for Triangular Meshes Using Local Radial Basis Function -- Hexahedral Meshing -- A Constructive Approach to Constrained Hexahedral Mesh Generation -- Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generation with Feature Line Extraction -- Unconstrained Paving and Plastering: Progress Update -- An Automatic and General Least-Squares Projection Procedure for Sweep Meshing -- Delaunay Meshing -- On Refinement of Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedralizations -- Smooth Delaunay-Voronoï Dual Meshes for Co-Volume Integration Schemes -- A Study on Delaunay Terminal Edge Method -- Generalized Delaunay Mesh Refinement: From Scalar to Parallel.
Contains papers selected for presentation at the 15th International Meshing Roundtable, held September 17-20, 2006 in Alabama, USA.
Proceedings of the 15th International Meshing Roundtable.