The work of poetry -- Originality -- A poetry of restitution -- What you mean by home -- Dreaming poetry -- The poetics of a preposition -- Hearing and overhearing the Psalms -- On A child's garden of verses -- My poetic generation -- Discovering Wallace Stevens -- O heavy verse! The shopwork of the workshops -- Whitman's difficult availability -- Arduous fullness : on Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- The poetry of nonsense : Carroll's quest romance -- A poem lost and found : Jean Ingelow's successful "failure" -- Meredith's poetry -- "Far space and long antiquity" : Trumbull Stickney's autumns -- Spoon River anthology : a late appreciation -- Marianne Moore's verse -- Modes and ranges of a long dawn : Robert Penn Warren's poetry -- Elizabeth Bishop's mappings of life -- May Swenson's massive panoply -- The scarred most sacred : some remarks on Geoffrey Hill.
"Writing as both a poet and teacher, John Hollander sets out to discover the nature of poetry in twenty-three chapters, surveying an extraordinary range of poets, from Dante to May Swenson and covering such issues as poetic originality and the subtle power of poetic language to question and bear witness."--Jacket.