Recent developments in nanoparticulate drug delivery systems / Pathak -- Polymeric nanoparticles for small-molecule drugs: biodegradation of polymers and fabrication of nanoparticles / D'Mello, Das, Das -- Formulation of NPDDS for macro molecules / Cruz [and others] -- Formulation of NPDDS for gene delivery / Koomer -- NPDDS for cancer treatment : targeting nanoparticles, a novel approach / Subramani -- Design and formulation of protein-based NPDDS / Podaralla, Kaushik, Perumal -- Gold nanoparticles and surfaces : nanodevices for diagnostics and therapeutics / Chirra, Biswal, Hilt -- NPDDS for the treatment of diabetes / Subramani -- Nanosystems for dermal and transdermal drug delivery / Venuganti, Perumal -- In vitro evaluation of NPDDS / Murthy -- In vitro characterization of nanoparticle cellular interaction / Murthy, Pathak -- In vitro blood interaction and pharmacological and toxicological characterization of nanosystems / Murthy, Pathak -- In vivo evaluations of solid lipid nanoparticles and microemulsions / Gasco, Mauro, Zara -- Microscopic and spectroscopic characterization of nanoparticles / Herrera, Sakulchaicharoen -- Introduction to analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle characterization / Chen, Wu, Pathak -- Structural fingerprinting of nanocrystals in the transmission electron microscope : utilizing information on projected reciprocal lattice geometry, 2D symmetry, and structure factors / Moeck, Rouvimov -- Mechanical properties of nanostructures / Dobrokhotov -- Fullerene-based nanostructures : a novel high-performance platform technology for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) / Kumar [and others] -- Semiconducting quantum dots for bioimaging / Bera, Quian, Holloway -- Application of near infrared fluorescence bioimaging in nanosystems / Kang, Kwon, Kim.
Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems II presents key aspects of nanoparticulate system development for various therapeutic applications and provides advanced methods used to file for regulatory approval.
Ingram Content Group
Drug delivery nanoparticles formulation and characterization.