Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press,
1 online resource (xiii, 200 pages)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover -- TOC36;Contents -- Introduction -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations -- CH36;Chapter 1 The Policy Context of Quality in Higher Education -- Globalization58; opportunity and47;or exploitation63; -- The risk society58; manufacturing moral panics -- Brain sells58; the knowledge economy -- Liquifying higher education58; new sites of knowledge -- Democratizing discourses58; the learning society and lifelong learning -- Continuous improvement58; to travel hopefully44; but never to arrive -- CH36;Chapter 2 How Quality is Assessed -- The genesis of the quality assurance movement -- Jeux sans frontiers58; quality internationally -- Thought lakes and word mountains58; measuring research productivity -- Reinventing teaching and learning -- The professionalization of university teachers -- Scores and league tables58; the comfort of numbers -- Classifying chaos58; standards44; benchmarks and qualifications frameworks -- CH36;Chapter 3 Managing Quality -- New managerialism and old organizational cultures -- Accountability44; autonomy and the audit culture -- Performance indicators58; measuring creativity -- Never mind the quality44; feel the cost33; -- CH36;Chapter 4 The Psychic Economy of Quality -- Identity58; the professional is political -- Trust me44; I8217;m a doctor33; -- Performativity and the power of discourse -- Job satisfaction58; alienation and 8216;counterfeit8217; reflexivity -- Unhealthy organizations and occupational stress -- Naming and shaming58; post45;modern torture -- CH36;Chapter 5 Changing Employment Regimes -- De45; or re45;professionalization63; Scholars or knowledge workers63; -- Increasing workloads and the long hours8217; culture -- Split focusing -- CH36;Chapter 6 The Micropolitics of Quality -- The everyday life of power -- Collegiality -- Peer review58; outsiders within or insiders without63; -- Gulliver and the Lilliputs58; reinforcing the binary divide -- The methodology of quality assurance in higher education58; modernization or a return to modernism63; -- CH36;Chapter 7 Reconstructing Students as Consumers -- Delighting the customer33; -- From change agents to consumers63; -- Words44; words44; words58; writing risk reduction -- Educatainment and student evaluation -- Radical pedagogy or teaching and learning63; -- CH36;Chapter 8 40;E41;quality -- Quality and equality -- Joining the procession -- Quantitative signifiers and qualitative differences -- Globalizing inequality -- The gendered division of labour -- Gendering performativity -- CH36;Chapter 9 Desiring Changes -- Long45;term effects58; supply44; stratification and surveillance -- References -- IDX36;Index -- The Society for Research into Higher Education -- Last Page.
This book examines the power relationships that organize and facilitate quality assurance in higher education. It investigates power in terms of macro systems of accountability, surveillance and regulation, and uncovers the ways in which quality is experienced by academics and managers in higher education. Louise Morley reveals some of the hidden transcripts behind quality assurance and poses significant questions: what signs of quality in higher education are being performed and valued? What losses, gains, fears and anxieties are activated by the procedures? and Is the culture of excellence resulting in mediocrity? "Quality and Power in Higher Education" covers a wide range of issues including: the policy contexts, new managerialism, the costs of quality assurance, collegiality, peer review, gender and equity implications, occupational stress, commodification and consumer values in higher education, performance, league tables, benchmarking, increasing workloads and the long-term effects on the academy. It draws upon Morley's empirical work in the UK on international studies and on literature from sociology, higher education studies, organization studies and feminist theory. It is important reading for students and scholars of higher education policy and practice, and for university managers and policy-makers.
Quality and power in higher education.
Education, Higher-- Great Britain-- Administration.