"CompTIA's A+ certification is the industry-leading entry-level certification for IT professionals, and this guide is the quick, easy way to prepare for the test. 1,200 pages of up-to-date information correlates with both the hardware and operating system exams and serves as a reference after the test-taking is completed. The minibooks cover each domain of the exam: A+ Groundwork, Inside the Box, Outside the Box, Maintenance and Troubleshooting, Operating System Basics, Managing The Operating System, Recovering Systems, Networking, and Securing Systems. You'll find plenty of sample test questions to get you prepared, too"--Resource description page.
Safari Books Online
CompTIA A+ certification all-in-one for dummies.
CompTIA A plus certification all-in-one for dummies
Computing Technology Industry Association.
Computer technicians-- Certification-- Examinations, Study guides.
Microcomputers-- Examinations, Study guides.
Computer technicians-- Certification-- Examinations-- Study guides.
COMPUTERS-- Hardware-- Handheld Devices.
COMPUTERS-- Hardware-- Personal Computers-- General.
COMPUTERS-- Microprocessors.
Electronic data processing personnel-- Certification.
Microcomputers-- Examinations-- Study guides.
Microcomputers-- Maintenance and repair-- Examinations.