Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Introduction; About the Authors; Don't Leave Your Organization; Uncovering Career Myths and Truths; Part 1: Your Career Foundation Four Steps for Starting on the Inside; Step 1: Identify Your Passions; Step 2: Discover Your Core; Step 3: Find Your Career Fit; Step 4: Declare Your Career; Part 2: Your Career Navigation Six Practices for Taking the Inside Out; Practice 1: Shape Your Role; Practice 2: Be the Players; Practice 3: Get Equipped; Practice 4: Know the Road Rules; Practice 5: Network; Practice 6: Check In.
Make It Work exposes 16 pervasive myths that create roadblocks and limit career opportunities. It offers real-life career stories and the practices and principles that can help anyone create a rich and fulfilling work experience without leaving one organization for another. With exercises, a powerful new model and a self-assessment indicator, Make It Work presents a process for identifying our passions, discovering our core, finding a career fit, declaring our choices and taking control of our career and life happiness.