Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Creating Courses; Prepare a place for courses; Enable large folders; Create the ""Courses"" folder; Create the course skeleton; Add a lesson; The value of comments; Lesson materials: one page or many?; Add an assignment to the lesson; Add course-wide events; Use news items for course-specific announcements; Add a course news portlet; Collect due dates on the course's front page; Add a syllabus; Reusing the course framework; Summary; Where to go from here; Chapter 2: Calendaring
Example 1: Moderated forums as drop boxesExample 2: Open forums for homework help; Example 3: Forums for group work collaboration; Summary; Chapter 6: Embedding Audio and Video; Meet the products; Play standalone media; Player options; Embed media in pages; Embed audio; Embed video; Embed media manually; Enable the tags; Insert the media; Media in portlets; Podcasting; Advertising on the iTunes store; iTunes U; Summary; Chapter 7: Creating Forms Fast; Install PloneFormGen; A tour of PloneFormGen; Field types; Form Actions; Emailing submissions; Saving submissions in the ZODB
Show events on a calendarMeet Plone4Artists Calendar; Install Plone4Artists Calendar; Exclude trivia from the site-wide calendar; Build a browsable hierarchy with collections; Reorder subfolders the hard (but only) way; Keep keywords clean with Plone Keyword Manager; Tips for event contributors; Represent recurring events; Spotty support for showing recurrences; Summary; Chapter 3: Showcasing Personnel with Faculty/Staff Directory; Install the product; Test drive Faculty/Staff Directory; Create a directory and choose global roles; Add people; Group people; Classifications; Committees
Show the new fields in viewsHide or change existing fields; Off-the-shelf extenders; Summary; Chapter 5: Blogs and Forums; Plone's blogging potential; Add-on products: free as in puppies; News Items: blogging for the hurried or risk-averse; Structure of a news-item blog; News Item pros and cons; Scrawl: a blog with a view; Pros and cons of scrawl; QuillsEnabled: blogging bells and whistles; Pros and cons of QuillsEnabled; QuillsEnabled + Scrawl: the perfect pair; Forums with Ploneboard; Comments and conversations; Forums; Message boards; Harnessing Ploneboard's workflows
SpecialtiesDepartments; How grouping works: relationships, not containers; Views; Gallery view; Tabular view; A-Z view; Textual view; Which views for which types?; Integrate users and groups; Interoperating with enterprise authentication; Delegating group administration; Coming attractions; Summary; Chapter 4: Extending Faculty/Staff Directory; A look at Archetypes; Introducing schemaextender; Start your extender; Copy MobilePhoneExtender; Test your work so far; Adapters: the Anatomy of an Extender; Take this, make that; Constructor boilerplate; Add the fax and publications fields
"This is the school web team's missing manual. Through step-by-step examples covering 11 common educational use cases, you'll learn how to take the box of parts provided by Plone, combine them with best-of-breed third-party plug-ins, and turn out a dynamic web environment that will be a joy to use for faculty, enhance staff productivity, and engage the student body"--Resource description page.