Introduction / Andrew Ross -- Regarding postmodernism : a conversation with Frederic Jameson / Anders Stephanson -- Radical democracy : modern or postmodern? / Chantal Mouffe -- Postmodernism and politics / Stanley Aronowitz -- Politics and the limits of modernity / Ernesto Laclau -- Social criticism without philosophy : an encounter between feminism and postmodernism / Nancy Fraser and Linda Nicholson -- Tooth and claw : tales of survival and Crocodile Dundee / Meaghan Morris -- Visiting the Banana republic / Paul Smith -- Feminism : the political conscience of postmodernism? / Laura Kipnis -- Putting the pop back into postmodernism / Lawrence Grossberg -- Living with contradictions : critical practices in the age of supply-side aesthetics / Abigail Solomon-Godeau -- Marginality and the ethics of survival / George Yudice -- The Man who mistook his wife for a hat or A Wife is like an umbrella : fantasies or the modern and postmodern / Jacqueline Rose -- Wild signs : the breakup of the sign in seventies' art / Hal Foster -- Interview with Cornel West / Anders Stephanson.