1. Adaptive dynamics and its applications to chaos and NPC problem, quantum bio-informatics: From quantum information to bio-informatics (2008) 181-216 -- 2. Teleportation schemes in infinite dimensional Hilbert Spaces (with K.-H. Fichtner and W. Freudenberg), Journal of mathematical physics 46 (2005) 102103-14 -- 3. Quantum algorithm for SAT problem and quantum mutual entropy, Reports on mathematical physics 55 (2005) 109-125 -- 4. A stochastic limit approach to the SAT problem (with L. Accardi), Open systems and information dynamics 11 (2004) 219-233 -- 5. New quantum algorithm for studying NP-complete problems (with I.V. Volowich), Reports on mathematical physics 52 (2003) 25-32 -- 6. How can we observe and describe chaos (with A. Kossakowski and Y. Togawa), Open systems and information dynamics 10 (2003) 221-233 -- 7. On quantum capacity and its bound (with I.V. Volowich), Infinite dimensional analysis, quantum probability and related topics 6 (2003) 301-310 -- 8. Entanglement, quantum entropy and mutual information (with V.P. Belaukin), Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. series A, mathematical and physical sciences 458 (2002) 209-231 -- 9. Semiclassical properties and chaos degree for the quantum Baker's map (with K. Inoue and I.V. Volowich), Journal of mathematical physics 43 (2002) 734-755 -- 10. Quantum teleportation and beam splitting (with K.-H. Fichtner), Communications in mathematical physics 225 (2002) 67-89 -- 11. Quantum teleportation with entangled states given by beam splittings (with K.-H. Fichtner), Communications in mathematical physics 222 (2001) 229-247 -- 12. NP problem in quantum algorithm (with N. Masuda), Open systems and information dynamics 7 (2000) 33-39 -- 13. Application of chaos degree to some dynamical systems (with K. Inoue and K. Sato), Chaos, soliton and fractals 11 (2000) 1377-1385 -- 14. Fundamentals of quantum mutual entropy and capacity, Open systems and information dynamics 6 (1999) 69-78 -- 15. Compound channels, transition expectations, and liftings (with L. Accardi), Applied mathematics and optimization 39 (1999) 33-59 -- 16. Quantum dynamical entropy for completely positive map (with A. Kossakowski and N. Watanabe), Infinite dimensional analysis, quantum probability and related topics 2 (1999) 267-282 -- 17. Complexities and their applications to characterization of chaos, International journal of theoretical physics 37 (1998) 495-505 -- 18. Analysis of HIV by entropy evolution rate (with K. Sato and S. Miyazaki), Amino acids 14 (1998) 343-352 -- 19. On capacities of quantum channels (with D. Petz and N. Watanabe), Probability and mathematical statistics 17 (1997) 179-196 -- 20. Complexity, fractal dimension for quantum states, Open systems and information dynamics 4 (1997) 141-157 -- 21. Notes on quantum entropy (with D. Petz), Studia scientiarum mathematicarum hungarica 31 (1996) 423-430 -- 22. Note on quantum dynamical entropies (with L. Accardi and N. Watanabe), Reports on mathematical physics 38 (1996) 457-469 -- 23. Entropy functionals of kolmogorov-sinai type and their limit theorems (with N. Muralci), Letters in mathematical physics 36 (1996) 327-335 -- 24. Information dynamics and its applications to optical communication processes, Springer lecture notes in physics, vol. 378 (1991) 81-92 -- 25. Information theoretical treatments of genes, The transactions of the IEICE E72 (1989) 556-560 -- 26. Some aspects of quantum information theory and their applications to irreversible processes, Reports on mathematical physics 27 (1989) 19-47 -- 27. On compound state and mutual information in quantum information theory, IEEE transactions on information theory 29 (1983) 770-774 -- 28. Note on quantum probability, Lettere al nuovo cimento 38 (1983) 402-404 -- 29. Quantum ergodic channels in operator algebras, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 84 (1981) 318-327 -- 30. Sufficiency, KMS condition and relative entropy in von Neumann algebras (F. Hiai and M. Tsukada), Pacific journal of mathematics 96 (1981) 99-109 -- 31. On open system dynamics -- an operator algebraic study, Kodai mathematical journal 3 (1980) 287-294 -- 32. Dynamical process in linear response theory, Reports on mathematical physics 16 (1979) 305-315 -- 33. Stability of Weiss Ising model, Journal of mathematical physics 19 (1978) 967-971.
This volume is a collection of articles written by Professor M Ohya over the past three decades in the areas of quantum teleportation, quantum information theory, quantum computer, etc. By compiling Ohya's important works in these areas, the book serves as a useful reference for researchers who are working in these fields.