Introduction: the shock of the other / Esther Peeren and Silke Horstkotte. I. Bodily alterities -- between matter and specter. The impossibly intersubjective and the logic of the both / Peter Hitchcock -- What was postmodernism? or, The last of the angels / Brian McHale -- The grotesque body: fleshing out the subject / Sara Cohen Shabot -- Auto-identities: avatar identities in the digital age / Kate Khatib -- Vocal alterities: voice-over, voice-off and the cultural addressee / Esther Peeren. II. Psychic alterities -- traumatic encounters. Eros and extimeté: viewing the pornographic self in Bataille, Cixous and Houellebecq / Victoria Best -- Choreography and trauma in Pina Bausch's Bluebeard -- while lestening to a taped recording of Béla Bartók's "Bluebeard's Castle" / Lucia Ruprecht -- Art that matters: identity politics and the event of viewing / Kate MacNeill -- Shame in alterities: Adrian Piper, intersubjectivity, and racial formation of identity / Alexis Shotwell. III. Negotiating alterities -- spaces of translation. A language of one's own?: Linguistic under-representation in the Kashmir Valley / Ananya Kabir -- Transgenerational meditations of identity in Rachel Seiffert's The dark room and Marcel Beyer's Spies / Silke Horstkotte -- The Braultian path to the other: estrangement and nontranslation / Nicole Côté -- Mapping cultural space in contemporary Northern Irish poetry / Ingo Berensmeyer.
Alterity is not a mere synonym of difference; what it signifies is otherness, a distinction or separation that can entail similarity as well as difference. The articles collected here explore ways to define, situate and negotiate alterity in a manner that does not do away with the other through negation or neutralization but that instead engages alterity as a reconfiguring of identities that keeps them open to change, to a becoming without horizon. Alterity and its situated negotiations with identity are configured through the body, through the psyche and through translational politics. From critical readings of angels, specters, grotesque bodies, online avatars, Sex and the City, pornography in French literature, Australian billboard art, Pina Bausch, Adrian Piper, Kashmiri poetry, contemporary German fiction, Jacques Brault and Northern-Irish poetry, there emerges a vision of identities as multi-faceted constructions that are continually being transformed by the various alterities with which they intersect and which they must actively engage in order to function effectively in the social, political, and aesthetic realm.