Mysticism as doctrine and experience / Karel Werner -- Mysticism and Indian spirituality / Karel Werner -- The longhaired sage of Ṛg Veda 10, 136 / Karel Werner -- Mysticism in the Upaniṣads and in Śankara's Vedānta / Pratima Bowes -- Birth of extraordinary persons / Minoru Hara -- Consciousness mysticism in the discourses of the Buddha / Peter Harvey -- The stages of Christian mysticism and Buddhist purification: interior castle of St. Teresa of Ávila and the path of purification of Buddhaghosa / Lance S. Cousins -- Living between the worlds: Bhakti poetry and the Carmelite mystics / Deirdre Green -- Yoga philosophy and Jung / F.W.J. Humphries -- Three contemporary Indian mystics: Ānandamayī, Krishnabai and Rajneesh / John E. Mitchiner -- Yoga, mysticism and a model of comparative religion / Andrew Rawlinson.