Includes bibliographical references (pages 311-340) and index.
Acknowledgments -- Introduction : rediscovering our children -- Your child's nature -- Nurture the nature of your child -- Essential parenting -- A special feature for moms and dads with newborns : ten tips for nurturing the nature of your baby -- pt. 1. Protecting the nature of your child -- 1. Escaping the social trends parenting system -- What is chronic stress in the American family? -- The social trends parenting system -- Nurturing your child's nature -- Getting started -- 2. Understanding the core nature of your child -- Using nature-based theory in your family -- The myth of the blank slate child -- Eight new sciences that can help you understand your child's core nature -- Creating a profile of your child's core nature -- Your essential parenting blueprint -- "Who am I?"
pt. 2. Nurturing the nature of your child -- 3. Nurturing the nature of your infant -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your infant -- Natural differences between infant boys and girls -- A revolution in parenting -- Essential mothers, essential fathers -- Parents-beyond-parents -- The importance of the mother-infant bond -- Burning question : can vaccinations harm my infant? -- Parenting as a spiritual discipline -- 4. Nurturing the nature of your two- to three-year-old -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your toddler -- Natural differences between toddler girls and boys -- The importance of play, order, and discipline -- Self-awareness of your own core nature -- Burning question : how do I handle tantrums? -- "She was a handful!" -- 5. Nurturing the nature of your four- to six-year-old -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your four- to six-year-old -- Natural differences between boys and girls age four to six -- Handling sibling rivalry -- Helping your self-educating child ask, "who am I?" -- Redefining food, shelter, and clothing -- Burning question : how do I find the best school for my four- to six-year-old? -- Moving forward with both peace and excitement -- 6. Nurturing the nature of your seven- to ten-year-old -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your seven- to ten-year-old -- Natural differences between school-age girls and boys -- Focusing on the art of relationship to protect your child's core nature -- Protecting a child's core nature by creating symbiotic marriage or symbiotic divorce -- Burning question: how much media is too much? -- The courage of parents.
pt. 3. Nurturing the nature of your adolescent -- 7. Nurturing the nature of your eleven- to fourteen-year-old -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your pubescent child -- Natural differences between early adolescent boys and girls -- Helping your pubescent child through early adolescent adaptations of core nature -- Joining together to link fathers and men to early adolescents -- Burning question : how do I protect my early adolescent's self-esteem? -- Moving forward with pride -- 8. Nurturing the nature of your fifteen- to eighteen-year-old -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your middle adolescent -- Natural differences between middle adolescent girls and boys -- Adapting your family to accommodate your middle adolescent's individuation of core nature -- Helping adolescents through crisis -- Burning question : what is the best way to handle peer groups? -- Becoming a woman, becoming a man -- 9. Nurturing the nature of your adolescent of nineteen and older -- Preview of essential developmental tasks -- Information essential to nurturing the core nature of your late adolescent -- Natural differences between young men and young women -- Identifying and helping young men and young women who lack a mission in life -- Burning question : why are young people maturing so much later than we did? -- The mission in life -- Epilogue -- Appendixes -- A. Principles of nature-based families -- B. Tracking your child's core personality through genetics : how to draw and understand a genogram -- C. More help with food, shelter, and clothing : a discussion starter for parent groups -- Notes and references -- Bibliography -- The Gurian Institute -- About the author -- Index.
Explains how to understand one's child's unique personality, or "core nature," and how to nurture it at each stage from infancy to early adulthood.