Front Cover; Advances in Computers, Volume 17; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 17; Preface; Chapter 1. Semantics and Quantification in Natural Language Question Answering; I. Introduction; 2. Historical Context; 3. Overview; 4. The Meaning Representation Language; 5. The Semantics of the Notation; 6. Semantic Interpretation; 7. Problems of Interpretation; 8. Post- Interpretive Processing; 9. An Example; 10. Loose Ends, Problems, and Future Directions; 11. Syntactic/Semantic Interactions; 12. Conclusions; References.
2. Bubbles as Memory3. Magnetic Bubble Logic; 4. Steering of Bubbles for Text Editing; 5. Storage Management; 6. Sorting; 7. Information Selection and Retrieval; 8. Summary and Outlook: More than Memory; References; Chapter 5. Computers and the Public's Right of Access to Government Information; 1. Information Technology and Government Secrecy; 2. Computer Impact on Public Access: Reports from the Information-Holders and information-Seekers; 3. An Analysis of the Access Situation; 4. Recommendations for Action; 5. The Future of Information Technology and Democratic government; References.
Author IndexSubject Index; Contents of Previous Volumes.
Chapter 2. Natural Language Information Formatting: The Automatic Conversion of Texts to a Structured Data Base1. Introduction; 2. Principles and Methods of Analysis; 3. Computer Programs for Information Formatting; 4. Applications; References; Chapter 3. Distributed Loop Computer Networks; 1. Introduction; 2. Message Transmission Protocols and Formats; 3. Loop Interface Design; 4. Network Operating System Design; 5. User Access and Network Services; 6. Performance Studies; 7. Conclusion; References; Chapter 4. Magnetic Bubble Memory and Logic; Introduction; 1. The Magnetic Bubble Phenomenon.