Current trends in English for professional and academic purposes / Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido, Juan C. Palmer-Silveira and Immaculada Fortanet-Gómez -- Formality in academic writing: the use/non-use of phrasal verbs in two varieties of English / Dushyanthi Mendis -- The 'dialectics of change' as a facet of globalisation: epistemic modality in academic writing / Carmen Pérez-Llantada -- Hidden influencers and the scholarly enterprise: a cross-cultural/linguistic study of acknowledgements in medical research articles / Françoise Salager-Meyer, María Ańgeles Alcaraz Ariza and Maryelis Pabón Bernesí -- Researching into English for research publication purposes from an applied intercultural perspective / Ana I. Moreno -- Research reports in academic and industrial research / Philip Shaw -- Information use and treatment adherence among patients with diabetes / Ulla M. Connor [and others] -- "Check it out" -- the construction of patient empowerment in health promotion leaflets / Inger Askehave and Karen Zethsen -- Who "we" are: the construction of American corporate identity in the corporate values statement genre / Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich -- Evaluating and designing materials for the ESP classroom / Ana Bocanegra-Valle -- From text to task: putting research on abstracts to work / John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak -- Approaching the essay genre: a study in comparative pedagogy / Ruth Breeze -- Academic writing in the disciplines: practices in nursing, midwifery and social work / Julio Gimenez -- English language education for science and engineering students / Thomas Orr.
English in academic and professional settings has received great attention over the last 50 years, as its use has become a key asset for anyone interested in improving his/her chances of communicating internationally. However, it still offers rich opportunities for teachers and researchers working on English in specific settings. The aim of English for Professional and Academic Purposes is to offer an overview of several topics within the field of discourse analysis applied to English in academic and professional domains. The book compiles contributions from different origins, ranging from Japan to the USA and several European countries, and covers English as a native, second, foreign and international language. It also deals with various specialties, including academic writing, business discourse or English for medicine, nursing, maritime industry and science and engineering. This volume is divided into three sections: Discourse Analysis of English for Academic Purposes, Professional English and EPAP Pedagogy, since it was conceived as both the discourse of and for effective communication in academic and professional settings, and how it can be applied to teaching. This manuscript offers some fresh insights for those involved or interested in this field of expertise, in an attempt to shed some light on its latest innovations. --Book Jacket.