1. Introduction / Audrey Mullender and Marcia B. Cohen -- 2. Women's group development from a relational model and a new look at facilitator influence on group development / Linda Yael Schiller -- 3. Women in groups: the history of feminist empowerment / Marcia B. Cohen -- 4. Difference, collective action and women's groups: South Asian women in Britain / Ravi K. Thiara -- 5. Critical reflections on profeminist practice in men's groups / Bob Pease -- 6. Gender awareness and the role of the groupworker in programmes for domestic violence perpetrators / Neil Blacklock -- 7. Developing the capacity to address social context issues: group treatment with African American men who batter / Oliver J. Williams -- 8. Gendering work with children and youth: groups for child witnesses of woman abuse / Susan Loosley and Audrey Mullender -- 9. Genderbending: reflections on group work with queer youth / Kate Delois -- 10. Women First: a self-directed group for women with and without learning disabilities -- our experiences 1990-99 / The Members of Women First -- 11. Intersections of gender, race and ethnicity in groupwork / Edith A. Lewis and Lorraine M. Gutierrez -- 12. From support to empowerment: caregiver connections / Betsey Gray and Tara C. Healy -- 13. Challenges and issues facing older women: potential role for empowerment-oriented groups / Alberta Dooley and Enid Opal Cox -- 14. Grouping together for equality in physical health / Eileen McLeod -- 15. Feminist group work and homelessness / David E. Pollio and Tonya Edmond -- 16. Conclusion: where does this leave us? / Audrey Mullender.
Based on practice experience in both the UK and the USA, Gender and Groupwork brings together the best of groupwork knowledge, skills and values in a true transatlantic partnership.
Gender and groupwork.
Sex role.
Social group work.
Rôle selon le sexe.
Service social des groupes.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Social Services & Welfare.