Includes bibliographical references (pages 265-266) and index.
My hair history : how I learned what not to do -- Get to know your curls : their structure and vulnerabilities -- Shampooing : washing without the matting -- Conditioning : how to get puff-free curls -- Combing : for those of us who've ever gotten a brush stuck in our hair -- Setting perfect curls : born to clump -- Everything else : daily care and beyond -- Baby curls : tips for little ones -- Highlights : do-it-yourself tips -- After the chemicals & severe damage : sometimes you have to walk through the fire -- Your toolbox : the best products and tools for your hair -- Chemically altering your hair : the truth behind coloring and perming -- How to do your do : the style gallery conclusion -- Conclusion : the philosophy of curls -- Recommended reading -- Websites -- Sources.
"Very curly hair isn't like any other type of hair---and it requires totally different care. 'Curly Like Me' is the off-the-grid, do-it-yourself owner's manual for tightly curly hair. Discover the techniques you need to celebrate your curly hair--not fight against it. In this book, you will learn not only how to care for your curls but to cherish them, effort, and money"--Page 4 of cover.
Beauty, Personal-- Social aspects-- United States.
Hair-- Care and hygiene-- United States.
Hairdressing-- United States.
Racially mixed women-- Health and hygiene-- United States.