Includes bibliographical references (pages 217-218) and index.
Cover ; Also by the Author. . . ; Dedication ; Acknowledgements ; Contents; How to use the NHB manuals; Introduction; 1 Clinch varieties; 2 Clinch conditioning; 3 It's OK to disagree; 4 Circling; 5 Pummeling; 6 Striking within the clinch: offense and defense; 6.1 Head clinch striking offense; 6.2 Head clinch striking defense; 6.3 Collar and elbow striking offense; 6.4 Over-under clinch striking offense; 7 Clinch takedowns; 7.1 Head clinch takedowns; 7.2 Collar and elbow clinch takedowns; 7.3 Over-under clinch takedowns; 7.3.1 Trip takedowns; 7.3.2 Flying mares and arm throws; 7.3.3 Hip throws.
7.3.4 Headlock throws7.3.5 Arm drags and go-behinds; 7.3.6 Body lock throws; 7.3.7 Whizzer throws; 7.3.8 Duckunder throws; 8 Countering clinch takedowns; 8.1 Counterthrows versus the go-behind; 9 Backcast -- the money move; 9.1 Backcast counters; 9.2 Rear backcast counters; Resources; Index; Back Cover.
Focusing on a single fighting position, this handbook examines the clinch. Providing explanations of various aspects of positioning in the clinch, it helps fighters set up their own clinch takedowns and beat those used against them in the ring. It gives fighters the most complete education in turning the clinch to their advantage.
No holds barred fighting.
Hand-to-hand fighting.
Wrestling holds.
Wrestling-- Training.
Hand-to-hand fighting.
SPORTS & RECREATION-- Martial Arts & Self-Defense.