1. It is harder today! -- The mobile member -- Other changes -- 2. The sunny side of the street -- May 15, 1984 -- Where there is hope -- We are living longer -- The air is cleaner -- Mainstreaming can work! -- Elderly no longer means poor -- That remarkable job machine! -- Why is good news neglected? -- 3. From mainline to nondenominational -- The eighteenth century scene -- The circuit rider and the farmer preacher -- Broadening the base -- What are the implications? -- Where are the men? -- Influences in the political arena -- Where are my children? -- The southern California subculture -- Why the decline? -- Searchers, pilgrims, and converts -- The decreasing proportion of Anglos -- Who is organizing new congregations? -- The growing number of "Nones" -- Growing old together -- The catholic to protestant migration -- The reemergence of the independent entrepreneur -- Stresses and choices -- 4. What is the liberal position? -- Public schools or non public schools? -- What are the alternatives? -- What is the issue? -- The church growth dimension -- Who attends? -- Which side appeals to you? -- From obligations to adversaries -- The churches follow the trend -- What follows success? -- The emergence of adversarial relationships -- Consequences and questions -- The big issue.
5. The new majority -- The significance of 1944 -- A decade of radical change -- Who went to work? -- What else changed? -- A return to the good old days -- Where's my husband? -- Separating marriage and motherhood -- Motherhood vs. feminism -- The changing roles of women -- The feminization of the churches -- What happened to the next baby boom? -- What do you count? -- Who will care for the kids? -- Questions to be asked -- Questions on subsidies -- What about men? -- 6. The twenty nine year old grandmother -- What are the implications? -- What has not worked? -- What might work? -- 7. From vocation to profession? -- The emergence of the paraprofessional -- A new approach to staffing the churches -- What does it mean? -- 8. From doorbell to mailbox -- What happened? -- Three other factors -- What are the implications? -- Four cautions -- 9. A world filled with choices -- Where do you belong? -- The complexity of the weekly schedule -- "That sermon didn't speak to me" -- From missions to study and choices -- What happened to our singles group? -- How do you organize the Sunday school? -- What happened to the unified budget? -- The cost of choices.