Flash CS4 All-In-One for Dummies; About the Authors; Dedication; Authors' Acknowledgments; Introduction; About This Book; Conventions Used in This Book; What You Don't Have to Read; Foolish Assumptions; How This Book Is Organized; Icons Used in This Book; Where to Go from Here; Book I: Introducing Flash; Chapter 1: Exploring Flash; Finding Out What's New in Flash CS4; Exploring the Flash Workspace; Customizing the Workspace; Chapter 2: Introducing Graphics, Symbols, and Animations; Working with Flash Graphics; Finding Out about Symbols and Instances; Introducing Flash Animation
Chapter 3: The Engine Beneath Flash: ActionScript 3Understanding What ActionScript 3 Can Do for You; Creating Timeline Functions with ActionScript; Bringing in New Objects; Looking at the Many Levels of ActionScript; Chapter 4: Creating Your First Flash Project; Planning Your Project; Creating Your First Flash Document; Chapter 5: Pushing the Panic Button -- Help!; Getting By with a Little Help from Flash; Updating Flash; Extending Flash; Flash Online Resources; Book II: Creating Graphics; Chapter 1: Creating Flashy Graphics; A Tale of Two Graphic Types; Creating Shapes
Creating Frames, Keyframes, and Blank KeyframesEditing Frames; Managing a Timeline; Chapter 2: Creating a Flash Animation; Creating an Animated Background; Creating a Frame-by-Frame Animation; Making a Motion Tween Animation; Building a Shape Tween Animation; Reversing an Animation; Simulating 3D Animation; Animating with the Spray Brush Tool; Creating an Inverse Kinematics (IK) Animation; Chapter 3: Animating Text; Creating Typewriter Text; Creating Flying Text; Chapter 4: Advanced Animation Techniques; Using Motion Presets; Manually Editing a Motion Path; Editing Motion Tween Animations
Using the Document LibraryChapter 5: Organizing Your Work; Organizing a Project with Layers; Being Precise with Rulers and Guides and the Grid; Chapter 6: Working with Images ( Or, Bumpin' with Bitmaps); Knowing Your File Formats; Preparing Images for Flash; Importing Image Sequences; Importing a Photoshop Document with Layers; Tracing Bitmaps; Editing Images; Creating a Bitmap Fill; Swapping Bitmaps -- It's Legal in All 50 States; Book III: Animating Graphics; Chapter 1: Working with the Flash Timeline; Getting to Know the Timeline; Frames and Keyframes and Blank Keyframes
Using the Drawing ToolsModifying Objects; Chapter 2: A Splash of Color, S'il Vous Plaît; Getting to Know Color: The Skinny on RGB, HSB, and Hexadecimal; Stroked and Filled, but Not Punched; Finding Your Way around the Swatches Panel; Mixing a Color; Changing Colors; Using the Kuler Extension; Chapter 3: Getting the Word Out with Text; Using the Text Tool; Formatting Text; Creating Text; Editing Text Fields; Using the Find and Replace Command; Chapter 4: Creating Graphic Symbols for Fun and Profit; Understanding Symbols and Instances; Creating Symbols; Editing Symbols
Ready to take your Flash skills to the next level? Learn how to use Adobe Flash CS4 to create innovative interactive experiences! Flash CS4 All-In-One For Dummies shows you how to create professional, cool projects, step by step, from start to finish. Whether you're working on your first Flash project or you're a veteran Flash animator ready to get into more advanced applications, Flash CS4 All-In-One For Dummies walks you through Flash's new tricks and explains how to use them. You'll get the skinny on new features including inverse kinematics, motion tweening, and Motion Editor. You'll also.