Includes bibliographical references (pages 103-108) and index.
Unknowable facts -- Future knowledge and its problems -- Problems of alien cognition -- Against insolubilia -- More facts than truths -- On predicate vagrancy and its epistemic basis -- An application to paradoxology : vagueness -- Metaphysical ramifications -- Appendix: On the formal logic of unknowability.
The realities of mankind's cognitive situation are such that our knowledge of the world's ways is bound to be imperfect. None the less, the theory of unknowability--agnoseology as some have called it--is a rather underdeveloped branch of philosophy. In this philosophically rich and groundbreaking work, Nicholas Rescher aims to remedy this. As the heart of the discussion is an examination of what Rescher identifies as the four prime reasons for the impracticability of cognitive access to certain facts about the world: developmental inpredictability, verificational surdity, ontological detail.