Cover; Title Page; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; About the Editors; Abbreviations and Acronyms; 1 Overview; References; 2 Bolivia; Notes; References; 3 Ghana; Appendix 3.A.: Import Procedures Before GCNet; Notes; References; 4 Morocco; Notes; 5 Mozambique; Notes; Reference; Appendix 5.A. SADC and COMESA Country Tariff Structures, Selected Years; 6 Peru; Notes; Appendix 6.A. Management Agreement between the National Customs Service and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
A companion to the Customs Modernization Handbook, this book provides case studies on customs modernization initiatives in seven countries (Bolivia, Morocco, Mozambique, Peru, the Philippines, Turkey, and Uganda). The initiatives in each of these countries show similarities as well differences in their approach and design. Some have relied on a model of Independent revenue authorities (Uganda and Peru), others have called upon private sector service providers to initiate the modernization process (Mozambique), others have taken the drastic step of a complete overhaul of their customs staff (Bo.
Customs administration-- Developing countries.
Customs administration.
Expenditures, Public.
Developing countries, Appropriations and expenditures.