The Maitland Concept -- An Introduction -- Mobilisation and Manipulation-Definitions, mechanisms of action and evidence-base -- Communication and the Therapeutic Relationship -- Contemporary Perspectives in Physiotherapy Practice -- Principles of Assessment -- Principles of Examination -- Principles and Method of Mobilisation/Manipulation Techniques -- Principles of Selection and Progression of Mobilisation /Manipulation techniques -- Recording -- Peripheral Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders -- The Shoulder and Shoulder Girdle Complex -- The Elbow Complex -- The Wrist and Hand Complex -- The Hip Region -- The Knee Complex -- The Ankle and Foot Complex -- The Temperomandibular Joints, Larynx and Hyoid (The Craniomandibular Complex).
"This classic text has become one of the foundation texts for all modern manual therapists. The fourth edition has been extensively revised by two authors who worked closely with Geoff Maitland and who have added up-to-date input in the revision of this new edition. The accompanying CD-ROM contains videos of all relevant examination and treatment techniques. All line drawings have been replaced with high quality photographs which, together with the CD-ROM and the book's new layout, afford an in-depth and user-friendly experience for readers." "Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation serves as an important resource for all practicing and trainee manipulative therapists, as well as providing invaluable evidence-based teaching material and case studies for undergraduate study programmes."--Jacket.
System requirements: 125 MB RAM; Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP or Mac OS 9.1+ operating system; QuickTime 6; 1024 x 768 pixels screen resolution, millions of colors, CD-ROM drive.