Mathematics for water and wastewater treatment plant operators series
Includes index.
1. Applied volume calculations. Tank volume calculations -- Channel or pipeline volume calculations -- Other volume calculations -- 2. Flow and velocity calculations. Instantaneous flow rates -- Velocity calculations -- Average flow rates -- Flow conversions -- 3. Milligrams per liter to pounds per day calculations. Chemical dosage calculations -- Loading calculations-BOD, COD, and SS -- Bod and SS removal -- Pounds of solids under aeration -- WAS pumping rate calculations -- 4. Loading rate calculations. Hydraulic loading rate -- Surface overflow rate -- Filtration rate -- Backwash rate -- Unit filter run volume -- Weir overflow rate -- Organic loading rate -- Food/microorganism ratio -- Solids loading rate -- Digester loading rate -- Digester volatile solids loading -- Population loading and population equivalent -- 5. Detention and retention times calculations. Detention time -- Sludge age -- Solids retention time (also called MCRT) -- 6. Efficiency and other percent calculations. Unit process efficiency -- Percent solids and sludge pumping rate -- Mixing different percent solids sludges -- Percent volatile solids -- Percent seed sludge -- Percent strength of a solution -- Mixing different percent strength solutions -- Pump and motor efficiency calculations -- 7. Pumping calculations. Density and specific gravity -- Pressure and force -- Head and head loss -- Horsepower -- Pump capacity -- 8. Wastewater collection and preliminary treatment. Wet well capacity -- Wet well pumping rate -- Screenings removed -- Screenings pit capacity -- Grit channel velocity -- Grit removal -- Flow measurement -- 9. Sedimentation. Detention time -- Weir overflow rate -- Surface overflow rate -- Solids loading rate -- BOD and suspended solids removed -- Unit process efficiency -- 10. Trickling filters. Hydraulic loading rate -- Organic loading rate -- BOD and SS removed -- Unit process or overall efficiency -- Recirculation ratio -- 11. Rotating biological contactors. Hydraulic loading rate -- Soluble BOD -- Organic loading rate -- 12. Activated sludge. Tank volumes -- BOD or COD loading -- Solids inventory in the aeration tank -- Food/microorganism ratio -- Sludge age (Gould) -- Solids retention time (also called MCRT) -- Return sludge rate -- Wasting rate -- WAS pumping rate -- Oxidation ditch detention time -- 13. Waste treatment ponds. BOD loading -- Organic loading rate -- BOD removal efficiency -- Hydraulic loading rate -- Population loading and population equivalent -- Detention time -- 14. Chemical dosage. Chemical feed rate-full-strength chemicals -- Chlorine dose, demand, and residual -- Chemical feed rate-less than full-strength chemicals -- Percent strength of solutions -- Mixing solutions of different strength -- Solution chemical feeder setting, gpd -- Chemical feed pump-percent stroke setting -- Solution chemical feeder setting, mL/min. -- Dry chemical feed calibration -- Solution feed calibration, given mL/min. Flow -- Solution feed calibration, given drop in tank level -- Average use calculations -- 15. Sludge production and thickening. Primary and secondary clarifier solids production -- Percent solids and sludge pumping -- Sludge thickening and sludge volume changes -- Gravity thickening calculations -- Dissolved air flotation thickening calculations -- Centrifuge thickening calculations -- 16. Sludge digestion. Mixing different percent solids sludges -- Sludge volume pumped -- Sludge pump operating time -- Volatile solids to the digester -- Seed sludge based on digester capacity -- Seed sludge based on volatile solids loading -- Digester loading rate, lbs VS added/day/cu ft. -- Digester sludge to remain in storage -- Volatile acids/alkalinity ratio -- Lime required for neutralization -- Percent volatile solids reduction -- Volatile solids destroyed -- Digester gas production -- Solids balance -- Digestion time -- Air requirements and oxygen uptake -- Ph adjustment using jar tests -- 17. Sludge dewatering and disposal. Filter press dewatering calculations -- Belt filter press dewatering calculations -- Vacuum filter press dewatering calculations -- Sand drying beds calculations -- Composting calculations -- 18. Laboratory calculations. Biochemical oxygen demand -- Molarity and moles -- Normality and equivalents -- Settleability -- Settleability solids -- Sludge total and volatile solids -- Suspended solids and volatile suspended solids -- Sludge volume index and sludge density index -- Temperature.
This volume provides step-by-step instruction in all the calculations required for wastewater treatment. Many worked examples are provided, and the pertinent calculations are summarized in each chapter.