Chapter 1 'That body of hers': the secret, the specular, the spectacular in The Duchess of Malfi and anatomical discourses -- chapter 2 'Behind the back of life': uncanny bodies and identities in The Changeling -- chapter 3 'A meer chaos': moles, abject bodies and the economy of reproductive discourses -- chapter 4 'Strange flesh' and 'unshap't bodies': monstrosity, hyperbolic masculinity and 'racial' difference -- chapter 5 'Un-pleasurable' detours: figurations of desire and the body erotic.
The early modern period was an age of anatomical exploration and revelation, with new discoveries capturing the imagination not only of scientists but also of playwrights and poets. Approximate Bodies examines, in fascinating detail, the changing representation of the body in early modern drama and in the period's anatomical and gynaecological treatises.Maurizio Calbi focuses on the unstable representation of both masculinity and femininity in Renaissance texts such as The Duchess of Malfi, The Changeling and a variety of Shakespeare plays. Drawing on theor.
Approximate bodies.
English drama-- 17th century-- History and criticism.
English drama-- Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600-- History and criticism.