Alphabetical List of Contents: v. 1. Acid deposition -- Adaptations and their mechanisms -- Adaptive radiation -- Allelopathy -- Altruism -- Animal plant interactions -- Balance of nature -- Biodiversity -- Biogeography -- Biological invasions -- Bioluminescence -- Biomagnification -- Biomass related to energy -- Biomes: determinants -- Biomes: types -- Biopesticides -- Biosphere concept -- Camouflage -- Chaparral -- Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression -- Coevolution -- Colonization of the land -- Communication -- Communities: ecosystem interactions -- Communities: structure -- Competition -- Conservation biology -- Convergence and divergence -- Deep ecology -- Defense mechanisms -- Deforestation -- Demographics -- Dendrochronology -- Desertification -- Deserts -- Development and ecological strategies -- Displays -- Ecology: definition -- Ecology: history -- Ecosystems: definition and history -- Ecosystems: studies -- Endangered animal species -- Endangered plant species -- Erosion and erosion control -- Ethology -- Eutrophication -- Evolution: definition and theories -- Evolution: history -- Evolution of plants and climates -- Extinctions and evolutionary explosions -- Food chains and webs -- Forest fires -- Forest management -- Forests -- Gene flow -- Genetic diversity -- Genetic drift -- Genetically modified foods -- Geochemical cycles -- Global warming -- Grasslands and prairies -- Grazing and overgrazing -- Greenhouse effect -- Habitats and biomes -- Habituation and sensitization -- Herbivores -- Hierarchies -- Human population growth -- Hydrologic cycle -- Insect societies -- Integrated pest management -- Invasive plants -- Isolating mechanisms -- Lakes and limnology -- Landscape ecology -- Lichens.
v. 1. Acid deposition-lichens -- v. 2. Mammalian social systems-zoos. Appendices. Indexes.
v. 2: Mammalian social systems -- Marine biomes -- Mediterranean scrub -- Metabolites -- Migration -- Mimicry -- Mountain ecosystems -- Multipleuse approach -- Mycorrhizae -- Natural selection -- Nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and mutation -- Nutrient cycles -- Ocean pollution and oil spills -- Old-growth forests -- Omnivores -- Ozone depletion and ozone holes -- Paleoecology -- Pesticides -- Pheromones -- Phytoplankton -- Poisonous animals -- Poisonous plants -- Pollination -- Pollution effects -- Population analysis -- Population fluctuations -- Population genetics -- Population growth -- Predation -- Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism -- Rain forests -- Rain forests and the atmosphere -- Rangeland -- Reefs -- Reforestation -- Reproductive strategies -- Restoration ecology -- Savannas and deciduous tropical forests -- Slash-and-burn agriculture -- Soil -- Soil contamination -- Speciation -- Species loss -- Succession -- Sustainable development -- Symbiosis -- Taiga -- Territoriality and aggression -- Trophic levels and ecological niches -- Tropisms -- Tundra and high-altitude biomes -- Urban and suburban wildlife -- Waste management -- Wetlands -- Wildlife management -- Zoos -- Glossary -- Web Sites -- Categorized Index.
"Here is a spectacular, thought-provoking, and highly informative guide to the fascinating story of ecology. Superb color photographs of animals, plants, and ecosystems reveal the ideas and discoveries that have changed our understanding of life around us."--Publisher's description.