Introduction to New Childhoods series; Part 1 DEBATES, DILEMMAS AND CHALLENGES: AN INTRODUCTION TO ATTITUDES TOWARDS CHILDREN; 1 Introduction; Part 2 AN INTERDISCIPLINARY OVERVIEW OF RECENT RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP; 2 What are Attitudes Towards Children?; 3 How are Otherness and Childhood Connected?; Part 3 IMPLICATIONS FOR CHILDREN'S LIVES; 4 Incomplete Adults? Decision Making and Autonomy; 5 Babies, Barbies and Blues: stereotyping and its challengers; 6 Fear for Children and Fear of Children: protection and projection.
7 Unseen and Unheard or Seen and Heard? Participation and Exclusion8 Challenging Otherness: child rights and the child's voice; References; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y.
This new edition of The Thinking Child is fully-updated with reference to the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Every Child Matters . The book considers the most recent research into the brain and learning, and offers practical advice on how to reflect these findings in the classroom. There is new guidance on current challenges facing practitioners, such as dealing with stressed and over-scheduled children, the philosophy and benefits of including every child and how to address practical issues that might arise in different settings. Other new material includes:. · Collaborative work.