pt. I. Modeling -- 1. Going all the way for perfection -- 2. Starving for beauty -- 3. Are all models lesbians? -- 4. War stories from the beauty front lines -- 5. The good old days of debauchery -- 6. Dealing with backbiting bitches (even the ones in your own mind) -- 7. The perfect career comeback -- 8. How I feel about the modeling world now -- pt. II. The circle of (social) life -- 9. My teenage wasteland -- 10. Men, age, and perfection -- 11. My school of discipline -- 12. Perfect men who have captured my fancy (or not) -- 13. Me and JFK Jr. -- 14. Not-so-perfect sex : lust and betrayal -- 15. Advanced faking it for men -- pt. III. Looks and beauty -- 16. The perfect body image : fat of phat? -- 17. Toning up body and mind, in a hurry -- 18. Extreme model makeover (aka Janice goes under the knife!) -- 19. In the butt, Bob -- 20. Dressed to maim -- 21. How I've helped the famous and infamous be more perfect -- 22. The best beauty tips ever -- 23. Emotions in motion -- 24. Compulsives anonymous -- 25. The perfect ending -- 26. The kind of love that makes my world perfect.
The supermodel shares advice about how to look perfect, while also sharing personal stories about embarrassing professional moments and dating mistakes.