Includes bibliographical references (pages 242-243) and index.
1. Homicide Cases. General. Case I: Lysias 1 -- On the killing of Eratosthenes. Case II: Antiphon 1 -- Accusation of poisoning against the stepmother. Case III: Antiphon 5 -- On the killing of Herodes. Case IV: Antiphon 6 -- On the chorister -- 2. Assault and Wounding. Case V: Lysias 3 -- Reply to Simon, a defence. Case VI: Demosthenes 54 -- Against Konon for battery. Case VII: Isokrates 20 -- Against Lochites -- 3. Suits Concerning Property. Case VIII: Lysias 32 -- Against Diogeiton. Case IX: Isaios 3 -- On the estate of Pyrrhos. Case X: Isaios 4 -- On the estate of Nikostratos. Case XI: Demosthenes 55 -- Reply to Kallikles on damage to a farm -- 4. Cases Concerning Commerce. Case XII: Hypereides 3 -- Against Athenogenes. Case XIII: Demosthenes 35 -- Reply to Lakritos' special plea. Case XIV: Demosthenes 37 -- Against Pantainetos -- 5. Cases Concerning Citizenship. Case XV: [Demosthenes] 59 -- Against Neaira. Case XVI: Demosthenes 57 -- Reply to Euboulides -- 6. Slander. Case XVII: Lysias 10 -- Against Theomnestos -- App. I. Athenian currency -- App. II. The Athenian calendar.