Clinical research design: analytical studies / Richard Mayeux -- Genetic epidemiology in neurologic disease / Ruth Ottman -- Gene-environment interaction in neurologic disorders / Cornelia M. van Duijn -- Analysis, reanalysis, and meta-analysis in neurology / Walter A. Rocca -- Diagnostic researching in clinical neurology / W.A. van Gool -- Decision analysis in clinical neurology / Diederik W.J. Dippel -- Outcomes research in clinical neurology / Mitchell S.V. Elkind and Ralph L. Sacco -- Survival analysis in neurological diseases / John F. Kurtzke and Mitchell T. Wallin --The clinical trial in efficacy research in neurological diseases / Jan van Gijn and M. Vermeulen -- Cerebrovascular ischemic disease / Philip A. Wolf -- Vascular dementia / Richard K. Chan nad Vladimir C. Hachinski -- Alzheimer's disease / Maarten C. de Rijk and Monique M.B. Breteler -- Multiple sclerosis / A. Alpřovitch -- Myasthenia gravis / Terese A. Treves -- Guillain-Barré syndrome / F.G.A. van der Meché and R. van Koningsveld -- Encephalitis and meningitis / Ettore Beghi -- HIV infection / Ned C. Sacktor, Gerald J. Dal Pan and Justin C. McArthur -- Prion diseases / Esther A. Croes and Cornelia M. van Duijn -- Neoplastic disease / John F. Annegers -- Cerebral palsy / Karin B. Nelson -- Migraine / Ann I. Scher, Richard B. Lipton and Walter F. Stewart.