Welcome to smackdown golf -- The dreaded "C" word -- Calling the shots -- Can Tiger catch Jack? -- Contenders or pretenders? -- For better or worse -- Courses for horses -- Is the PGA Tour a closed shop? -- Sorenstam and the "true principle" axiom -- Golf's greatest generation -- A real junior high -- Rules for fools -- Moving forward.
Johnny Miller's brilliant golfing career, which includes winning the U.S. Open and the British Open, has been matched by his success as America's most respected television golf analyst. Known for delivering both criticism and praise in a colorful tone matched by none, Johnny takes on such issues as: The rise of Smackdown Golf and the decline of manners in a game that was once a bastion of decorum; The truth about choking, and how to tell when pros are succumbing to pressure; How mega-long 'courses for horses' are driving everyday hackers - the heart and soul of golf - away from the game; Johnny's 'Fields of Dreams': the Top-10 courses he's seen and played; The reason PGA players tremble when they see Tiger Woods step on the first tee - and how they're now mustering the courage to take him on; The role of teaching 'gurus, ' and why they sometimes hurt players more than help them; Johnny's analyses of the game's best players, from Nicklaus to Woods to Sorenstam, and why the 1970s was golf's Golden Age"--Publisher description.