edited by John Wanna, Lotte Jensen and Jouke de Vries.
Cheltenham :
Edward Elgar,
1 online resource (xiii, 313 pages)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; Acknowledgements; 1. Investigating the reality of reform in modern budgeting; 2. Budget reforms in the United States: a 'perfect storm' for a new wave of deficit-reduction reforms; 3. Budget reform in the United Kingdom: the rocky road to 'controlled discretion'; 4. Australia after budgetary reform: a lapsed pioneer or decorative architect?; 5. Discerning the consequences and integrity of Canada's budget reforms: a story of remnants and resilience.
6. Budgeting in New Zealand after the reforms: from radical revolutionary to cautious consolidator7. Budget reform in Japan: continuous efforts but still a long way to go; 8. Korea's four major budgetary reforms: catching up with a big bang; 9. Budget reforms in Denmark: unheralded but nevertheless effective; 10. Budget reform in The Netherlands: sadder but much wiser now; 11. Budget reforms in Spain: anything else beyond budget discipline?; 12. Budget reform in Italy: importing 'enlightened' ideas.
Investigates the impacts and consequences of budgetary reform through a comparative assessment of advanced Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) democracies that have undertaken budget reforms over the years. This book traces the 'story of reform' in the respective countries.