Published as a special issue of: Boundary 2, vol. 32, no. 2, summer 2005.
Includes bibliographical references.
On comparability : Kant and the possibility of comparative studies / Peter Osborne -- Some thoughts on comparability and the space-time problem / Harry Harootunian -- Difference against development : spiritual accumulation and the politics of freedom / John Kraniauskas -- Political philosophy and comparison : bourgeois identity and the narrative of the universal / Xudong Zhang -- The Genealogy of a positivist haunting : comparing prewar and postwar U.S. sociology / George Steinmetz -- In/comparable horrors : total war and the Japanese thing / Marilyn Ivy -- From culture industry to Mao industry : a Greek tragedy / Michael Dutton -- On comparability and continuity: China circa 1930s and 1990s / Rebecca E. Karl -- Autonomy and comparability : notes on the anticolonial and the postcolonial / Manu Goswami -- Repetition, comparability, and indeterminable nation : Korean migrants in the 1920s and 1990s / Hyun Ok Park.