Get the money you need -- The Best places to find scholarships for adults -- Scholarships just for adult students -- Maximize your federal financial aid -- Borrowing the money you need -- Money from your state -- Money from your college -- Get your employer to pay -- Take advantage of retraining programs -- Earn credit for life experiences -- Be a part-time student -- Smart saving strategies for college -- Tax breaks for students -- Loan forgiveness programs -- Military education benefits -- Avoid financial aid scams -- You can do it.
Presents ways that nontraditional students can pay for college, providing tips on such topics as contests, scholarships, military options, student tax breaks, and ways to maximize financial aid.
OverDrive, Inc.
OverDrive, Inc.
OverDrive, Inc.
501 ways for adult students to pay for college.
Five hundred and one ways for adult students to pay for college
Adult students.
College costs-- United States.
Scholarships-- United States, Directories.
Scholarships-- United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Student aid-- United States, Directories.
Student aid-- United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.