Cervid disease research at the National Wildlife Research Center
VerCauteren, Kurt C.; Lavelle, Mike; Nolte, Dale L.; Hygnstrom, Scott E.; Gilsdorf, Jason
The realized and perceived threats of cervid diseases have immense implications for federal and state wildlife management agencies, captive cervid ranchers, hunters, and businesses and economies that rely on recreation associated with deer and elk. Therefore, the spread of diseases, primarily chronic wasting disease and bovine tuberculosis, in wild and captive cervids is of great concern. Research is paramount to closing information gaps associated with all aspects of cervid diseases. The Wildlife Disease Research Program of the USDA APHIS WS National Wildlife Research Center is engaged in considerable research on cervid diseases. Efforts focus on disease epidemiology, cervid ecology, and methods to reduce disease prevalence and transmission. Here we share results of recently completed studies, provide updates for ongoing studies, and share plans for upcoming research
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
VerCauteren, Kurt C.; Lavelle, Mike; Nolte, Dale L.; Hygnstrom, Scott E.; Gilsdorf, Jason