Wolf depredation management in relation to wolf recovery
Niemeyer, Carter C.; Bangs, E. E.; Fritts, S. H.; Fontaine, J. A.; Jimenez, M. D.; Brewster, W. G.
By 1930, wolves were extirpated from the western United States for livestock protection. In 1973, the Endangered Species Act protected wolves, and by 1980, wolf recolonization began in Montana. Confirmed livestock losses have been 17 cattle and 12 sheep with 16 wolves controlled as part of a program to enhance the recovery of non-offending wolves. ADC has: 1) controlled problem wolves, 2) improved communication with affected publics and governmental agencies, and 3) enhanced wolf recovery in Montana.
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Niemeyer, Carter C.; Bangs, E. E.; Fritts, S. H.; Fontaine, J. A.; Jimenez, M. D.; Brewster, W. G.