Crop damage by overabundant populations of nilgai and blackbuck in Haryana (India) and its management
Chauhan, N. P. S.; Singh, Ramveer
In India, as in other countries, problems associated with locally overabundant wildlife species have emerged as important management issues for reason of some species losing their natural habitat but adapting themselves to the man-altered habitats. Consequently, there is a clash with the interests of local people. Crop-raiding by locally overabundant wild populations of nilgai and blackbuck in Haryana is one such problem analyzed in this paper. Nilgai causes extensive damage to agricultural crops; among these, gram, wheat seedlings and moong are the most preferred ones. Blackbuck nibble mainly on young shoots of various cereal and pulse crops and the damage is much less than caused by nilgai. Possible management strategies such as culling, fencing in nilgai and black buck (enclosures or corrals), and fencing agricultural areas to minimize the problem are suggested. Chain-link fencing of a sizable Reserved Forest (RF) patch, where the animals seek daytime shelter, combined with other local protective methods in the cultivated areas of Nahar hold promise of reducing the pest animal populations. The experiment is likely to establish one approach for dealing with the specific problem in Haryana. This paper discusses agricultural crop-raiding by locally overabundant populations of nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) and blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) in several districts of Haryana and the possible management strategies that can limit or reduce the conflict. Based on these strategies, a management experiment is being conducted in one of the districts, namely, Nahar, and its results are presented in this paper.